Why the Taliban are better than Democrats.

texassapper's Avatar
The Taliban never threw Americans in solitary for protesting a stolen election.

The Taliban isn't trying to inject us with an experimental poison.

The Taliban never declared me and my family the biggest threat to their country.

It isn't the Taliban promoting toddler gender transitions in my state.

Don't remember the Taliban telling me to put face panties on or lose my job.

I'm sure there are many more.....
texassapper's Avatar
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Omg I can't stop laughing

Have a great day OP, I'm going to share this thread with my friends at lunch today "after their first beer" (I don't drink alcohol)!
The Taliban never threw Americans in solitary for protesting a stolen election.

The Taliban isn't trying to inject us with an experimental poison.

The Taliban never declared me and my family the biggest threat to their country.

It isn't the Taliban promoting toddler gender transitions in my state.

Don't remember the Taliban telling me to put face panties on or lose my job.

I'm sure there are many more..... Originally Posted by texassapper
Jesus H you are the leader of all Trumpardianism. Those "traitors" will get their due process.

Funny how the stats show that 99% of the hospitalizations are unvaccinated. Poison my ass, hope you didn't get the shot and get what is coming to you.
Little Monster's Avatar
Jesus H you are the leader of all Trumpardianism. Those "traitors" will get their due process.

Funny how the stats show that 99% of the hospitalizations are unvaccinated. Poison my ass, hope you didn't get the shot and get what is coming to you. Originally Posted by royamcr

Someone should let the op know that the Taliban is a far-right regime.
Democrats are not the ones who need a gun to go shopping or get a cup of coffee from Starbucks like the paranoid right wing pussies do.
texassapper's Avatar
Jesus H you are the leader of all Trumpardianism. Those "traitors" will get their due process.

Funny how the stats show that 99% of the hospitalizations are unvaccinated. Poison my ass, hope you didn't get the shot and get what is coming to you. Originally Posted by royamcr
Well you've ignored me now...but let me show you the difference between trespassing and Insurrection...



You believe that stats all you like.... you probably believed Joey Puddins when he said this wasn't gonna happen. Or that the Russians colluded with Trump, or that Hillary just used her private email sever to talk about yoga

Stupid Democrats.
texassapper's Avatar
Someone should let the op know that the Taliban is a far-right regime.
Democrats are not the ones who need a gun to go shopping or get a cup of coffee from Starbucks like the paranoid right wing pussies do. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Well us right wingers wouldn't have to be armed if you libtards didn't open the border, let out the criminals from jail, and encourage lawlessness, rioting, and looting.

All the Taliban have done is shown the fecklessness of Democratic leadership (and I use that word so loosely that if they were pants a Democrat rioter wouldn't be able to keep them up while holding a flatscreen)

LOL.. way to address the issue, Son. I see Mom let you sleep in late today.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

Hillary just used her private email sever to talk about yoga

Stupid Democrats. Originally Posted by texassapper
I thought she said also to keep in touch with Bill LOL that would not use email
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 11:19 AM
Jesus H you are the leader of all Trumpardianism. Those "traitors" will get their due process.

Funny how the stats show that 99% of the hospitalizations are unvaccinated. Poison my ass, hope you didn't get the shot and get what is coming to you. Originally Posted by royamcr

a totally intellectually bankrupt response

typical of teh DPST mindless minions!
Taliban are executing thousands - at fiden;s behest - and all the minions can think of is 'mandatory vaccinations' - regardless of teh patient-physician relationship and its' sanctity and privacy.

That's What Kamala Harris Was Tweeting About As Afghanistan Fell to Taliban?

Little Monster's Avatar
Well us right wingers wouldn't have to be armed if you libtards didn't open the border, let out the criminals from jail, and encourage lawlessness, rioting, and looting.

Really, blaming illegals?? Both weak and pathetic.
Last I checked Proud Boys and Electric Boogalo Boys are far right fascist white supremacist organizations

All the Taliban have done is shown the fecklessness of Democratic leadership (and I use that word so loosely that if they were pants a Democrat rioter wouldn't be able to keep them up while holding a flatscreen)

both Biden and Trump said they would pull out of Afghanistan. Smart one. They have shown what most knew all along, as soon as Americans leave they're just going to go right back to their old far right extremist ways

LOL.. way to address the issue, Son. I see Mom let you sleep in late today. Originally Posted by texassapper
And of course, you end with your usual childish pathetic reply. That's about all you can do.
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 11:23 AM
Quote LM -And of course, you end with your usual childish pathetic reply. That's about all you can do.

Comment - a typical DPST name-calling response - devoid of any intellectual content.

Look in a mirror - and go get an education. An islamic madrasa in Pakistan would be a good start
LexusLover's Avatar
Someone should let the op know that the Taliban is a far-right regime. Originally Posted by Little Monster
And that's why the DNC are properly identified as being Nazis.

Hitler's party has "Socialism" in the name, but cooked and gassed a group of people in his country in an effort to "cleanse" the population ... sort like "Wokeism" ... tearing down statues and rewriting history to justify the gassing and burning.
texassapper's Avatar
And of course, you end with your usual childish pathetic reply. That's about all you can do. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Aww, you're in a mood... She didn't make you pancakes this morning?

Sad face just for you...
LexusLover's Avatar

Look in a mirror - and go get an education. Originally Posted by oeb11
Just give him a one-way ticket to Afghanistan. I hope he's not gay!
Most of us on this site are Americans, I can never understand how any of us can side with a foreign power over other Americans.

Most countries promote their self interest. We need to stop all this infighting, and learn to live with each other.

We don't have to hug each other, but lets not start a circular firing squad.