Afghanistan articles

  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2021, 05:32 PM
The Most Disturbing Admission from Biden's National Security Adviser on Afghanistan Today

House Democrat Shreds Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal: ‘This is a Catastrophe’

After Afghan Fiasco, Europe Finally Realizes That Joe Biden Is a Total Moron on Foreign Policy
Dem Congresswoman Rips Biden on Afghanistan: ‘I Wish the Biden Administration Had Done More Planning’
Biden Couldn’t Have Screwed Up the Afghanistan Exit More if He’d Tried

Senile, incompetent tool of DPST communist handlers and indebted/owned by comrade Xi!
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The Talibans demands

Taliban warns the US must fully withdraw all troops by Sept. 11, including those at the Kabul airport. The Pentagon says some 11,000 Americans remain trapped in areas under the control of Islamic extremists in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Biden remains in hiding at Camp David.

Dan Scavino