20th Anniversary of 9/11

Laurenspencer's Avatar
On this 20th anniversary of 9/11, we remember every parent, brother, sister, friend, and colleague that was stolen from us in the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and in a field in Shanksville, PA. We must always honor their sacrifice and never forget them

Please take a moment today no matter how busy you are and honor all those and never forget them
Exchequer's Avatar
On this 20th anniversary of 9/11, we remember every parent, brother, sister, friend, and colleague that was stolen from us in the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and in a field in Shanksville, PA. We must always honor their sacrifice and never forget them

Please take a moment today no matter how busy you are and honor all those and never forget them Originally Posted by Laurenspencer

Sometimes with all the petty stuff we see in this world, it's easy to lose track on the sacrifices that were made on this day, 20 years ago.

Innocent people lost in a tragic event that will forever shape our nation. God bless those and all the families that suffered then and now.
On this 20th anniversary of 9/11, we remember every parent, brother, sister, friend, and colleague that was stolen from us in the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and in a field in Shanksville, PA. We must always honor their sacrifice and never forget them

Please take a moment today no matter how busy you are and honor all those and never forget them Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
Innocent people lost in a tragic event that will forever shape our nation. God bless those and all the families that suffered then and now. Originally Posted by niteswimmer1
Last night, I was watching the news coverage and videos on YouTube of 9/11, phone calls of people on the planes saying goodbye to their families for the last time. It always makes me tear up.

9/11 really reminds you to cherish your relationships, family, good friends… Sometimes it’s too easy to take the important things for granted, but life is so fragile and literally everything can be taken from us in an instant. Very, very sad.
CatMan4u's Avatar
On this 20th anniversary of 9/11, we remember every parent, brother, sister, friend, and colleague that was stolen from us in the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and in a field in Shanksville, PA. We must always honor their sacrifice and never forget them

Please take a moment today no matter how busy you are and honor all those and never forget them Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
Thanks Lauren for a great thread
I come from a very military family and cherish the benefits they fought for to give us regardless of how you choose to believe. Their service gives us that
It's a real shame and disgrace that we as a nation have fell so far away from that belief
There was an HBO show last night about the NYC high school a few blocks from the twin towers. They evacuated and the subways were closed so these high school kids from all over the city were stranded in Manhattan for the day. They interviewed the kids now 20 years later. It was very good. Called in the shadows
Sxenthusiast00095's Avatar
American imperialist capitalism brought this upon herself.We commies are laughing.

So when are we going to remember indigenous genocide or African slavery? They need need remembrance as well.O_o
American imperialist capitalism brought this upon herself.We commies are laughing.

So when are we going to remember indigenous genocide or African slavery? They need need remembrance as well.O_o Originally Posted by Sxenthusiast00095
How do innocent people deserve to die a painful, terrifying death because of any government’s imperialism or capitalism?

You literally just shit on the memorial of the most horrific terrorist attack this country has ever faced, and disrespected everyone who lost their lives & the families who were left behind to grieve them — many of whom were African-American and Native American, I’m sure. This wasn’t an attack on white people. It was an attack on fucking humanity.

I can’t find words strong enough to describe how completely disgusted I am by what you just said.
tuckahoe's Avatar
American imperialist capitalism brought this upon herself.We commies are laughing.

So when are we going to remember indigenous genocide or African slavery? They need need remembrance as well.O_o Originally Posted by Sxenthusiast00095
Your pathetic attempt to mar a thread devoted to the horrific deaths of innocent people and the brave souls who attempted to rescue is despicable!!! Your callousness and enjoyment of death is abhorrent and heinous!!!
You are a danger and a menace to the ladies of Eccie and to society in general!!!
Laurenspencer's Avatar
American imperialist capitalism brought this upon herself.We commies are laughing.

So when are we going to remember indigenous genocide or African slavery? They need need remembrance as well.O_o Originally Posted by Sxenthusiast00095
I am in total shock that you could write something so cruel . To make a decision whether to breath or jump , no one should ever be put in that position . This was one of the absolute saddest days in history that America watched with their own eyes completely unfold . This has nothing to do with government’s imperialism or capitalism , black or white . It's about completely innocent people losing their lives and their families are still dealing with that pain today .

I saw this post last night before bed and I could not reply , I was going to continue to honor everyone that lost their life on 9/11 and not let you ruin that
CatMan4u's Avatar
American imperialist capitalism brought this upon herself.We commies are laughing.

So when are we going to remember indigenous genocide or African slavery? They need need remembrance as well.O_o Originally Posted by Sxenthusiast00095
Since you feel this way my question is why are you in this country when there are planes and ships leaving every day
Remember you brought this on yourself
Sxenthusiast00095's Avatar
What you boomers need to understand we younger generations are becoming ever more enlightened seeing this sorry excuse of a country for what she truly is.Life is cheap breed more patriots,stop causing trouble overseas,and move on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.Welcome to the new age many of us younger folks will change this nation and there’s nothing you oldies can do about it.

This country isn’t that great.It was indigenous before anything never was it white,christian,or “patriotic”.

The only people I mourn in 911 are the innocent Middle Easterners caught in the crossfire of the twenty year war WE LOST.
Sxenthusiast00095's Avatar

Since you feel this way my question is why are you in this country when there are planes and ships leaving every day
Remember you brought this on yourself Originally Posted by CatMan4u
Dickson street pub bud I’m always there come find me and make me leave.I’ve been told that I look identical to Tulsi Gabbard so add a mustache you’ll see a younger male version of her lol!.I’m more indigenous than majority of you on here so why don’t you people leave this stolen land? Without a doubt your forebears played a vital role in indigenous genocide and African slavery.
Sxenthusiast00095's Avatar
I simply spoke my mind.This is how many other younger folks feel.Freedom speech no?.
Exchequer's Avatar
I simply spoke my mind.This is how many other younger folks feel.Freedom speech no?. Originally Posted by Sxenthusiast00095

Feel free to start your own thread. No need to derail someone else’s thread.

Also it’s about time you read the rules of this forum: