Spotting frauds

Pangolier's Avatar
Just wanted to share some feedback on my recent experiences, as I have kind of stepped out of my typical boundaries, and have noticed a persistent pattern when communicating with certain people.

I personally feel comfortable labeling all of these girls as either rip offs or using someone else's pictures, though I cannot say with 100% certainty because I never met any of them. But what I've observed is that they are all really impatient, and are not willing to make any concessions.

For example, I was talking with one person who asked "When do you want to hang out?" When I replied mentioning a date that was a few days in the future, she didn't even respond at all. From my way of thinking, if I legitimately wanted to do business with someone, I would at least have said "I'm not available that particular day" rather than not replying at all.

I spoke to another person who asked for a deposit. I told her it would be prudent for her to check out my references before the appointment. She said she was comfortable seeing everyone... I'm sure it's obvious to everyone reading this how her only concern is to get the deposit as quickly as possible, so much so that she's potentially putting her own safety at risk.

It seems like most of the fakers are not engaged in the conversation. They tend to respond with brief, poorly worded replies and do not want to make any effort to meet in the middle with their potential client.

On the other hand I met a woman on Tryst who had absolutely no other presence on the internet. No reviews, her phone didn't link back to any other sites or ads, and not even an email address was listed. In fact, I think the main reason I contacted her at first was because she appeared so drop dead gorgeous that I thought "her pictures HAVE to be fake!" I had a brief conversation with her and asked her if she was on P411. I did not commit to an appointment that night, but she actually wrote me back the following day to check in and see if I was still interested.

The whole time she was willing to answer my questions and talk with me throughout the process. She did not whine or express anger that I wanted to authenticate her. So when I asked about verifying she really was the same girl from the pictures, she told me she didn't have Whatsapp, but she did have Skype, and we could video chat over that so I can see what she looks like.

Turns out she actually is a former super model. Used to be one of the Grid Girls for Formula 1 racing. My eyes about popped out of their sockets when I saw her on Skype. Anyway... when I booked her while video chatting, my post chat experience was the same thing. She kept in touch throughout the entire process. Let me know when she was getting ready, and that she had car trouble and was going to be running a bit late, etc... She wasn't afraid to stay connected the entire time. By contrast, all the flakers I've communicated with don't seem to say much, and when they do, it's usually either to hasten the proposed physical meeting, or some incoherent or irrelevant babbling to try and get money.

Had another similar experience recently. Girl on Slixa that doesn't have a single presence anywhere else on the internet. Again, she was willing to talk with me. When she told me she didn't have Whatsapp, and used snapchat, I DL snap. Told her snap is messing with my phone and wants permission to access all my content. She replies "No problem, I'll get Whatsapp" So I chat with her, and we spend some significant time arranging something, and I see her, and no problem.

What I'm picking up on is most of the scammers out there tend to want to rush the appointment or deposit, instead of communicating to set things up within the comfort zone of both parties. While most of the legit girls out there realize that things don't need to happen right away. At least that's been my personal experience over the past few months. Would any of you care to chime in if you've had similar scenarios?