we are still at war support our armed services

I watched the attached story and it really hit home. This reminds us we are still at war, our brave men and women never have a great day, they are happy to just be alive, so they can fight and protect our nation and our lives. Its also the story of a dog. Some of my friends think I am a bit crazy about my dogs, maybe this will give everyone a bit more information as to why I love my dogs. This also shows that a great dog forever lies in the heart of its master. This brave Navy Seal that lost his life was not only a hero, but a great human being, I wish I had been able to meet such a man.

I have many friends still there and going back, so thank you durango95 for posting this. Yes, we are still at war...and God Bless our troops!
Thanks for the shout out for the men and women risking their lives each and every day so that we can remain free!
Thanks Troops! We are thinking of y'all.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have nothing but respect for the men and women in our Armed Forces, which is why I oppose sending them off to die in senseless, meaningless wars. We lose too many heroes.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
I support the troops but were at war because "they" want us at war while "they" bankrupt this country. It's not going to change with Obama, Romney, or Perry in office.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are correct, Captain! We must stop electing Democrats or Republicans.
Iaintliein's Avatar
"Nation Building" is bullshit. Bring 'em home, we can (and should) annihilate anyone who screws with us from here.
people get in office and they are surrounded by advisors who went to all these schools and think tanks and who have sat around for years thinking globally and what they think are american interests and how to protect lines of trade and our "allies" and limiting weapon proliferation and all manner of imagined considerations.

politicians then think of potential harms and wish to preclude them, economic harm or attacks, which ala 9/11, can become economic. they dont want anything on their watch to happen for which they could be blamed and of course the business of america is business and to maintain our standard of living business must grow.

its a complex, a mental one, that begins to change your thinking and gets you to beleive that these think tank people are indispensable, in addition to an industrial one.

if it weren't for our kids being on the line, i'd say we should extract tribute for our services, but our kids are on the line.

somehow the paradigm needs re-evaluation.