Another radical leftist teacher caught trying to brainwash students in California

  • oeb11
  • 11-12-2021, 08:41 AM

The Washington Examiner’s Matthew Miller wrote about how a teacher in California put a question on an quiz that listed, “all of Florida” and “Texans” as options for examples of those people who are “complete idiots.” This is just the latest example of the attempted leftist, liberal, Democrat indoctrination and brainwashing children are subjected to in our country’s public schools.
© Provided by Washington Examiner A question on a Whitney High School quiz from Nov. 4 asked students, ‘A group of complete idiots is’ followed by four options: ‘KKK,’ ‘all of Florida,’ ‘Fox News,’ or ‘Texans,’” Miller wrote. An image of the question was also posted on Twitter.

The school’s principal was notified of the controversial quiz question and sent out a letter to the school’s staff, students, and families. Justin Cutts, the school’s principal, declared his intention to conduct a “thorough investigation” and that “appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken.” The entire letter was posted on Twitter here.
The principal seems to suggest that any disciplinary action taken will remain confidential. Why? There is no doubt that what the teacher did was wrong. The teacher did this on the public dime and on the public time. The punishment should also be public.
And if this teacher was brazen enough to do this, it invites the question of what other toxic information he is shoving down children's throats that ha not been captured on photo or video. It is unlikely this is the first time such attempted brainwashing has occurred. Teachers who engage in this sort of unhinged behavior typically have had years to test the waters and escalate to this point. They tend to be repeat offenders. If there is any investigation, it should look into what he has been teaching.
Examples of attempted radical leftist indoctrinations are becoming a far too common occurrence in our country’s public schools, which in the meantime are failing to provide students with even a rudimentary education. Perhaps if teachers worried more about teaching reading, science, and math instead of brainwashing and indoctrinating, we wouldn't be falling behind the rest of the world in preparing children to face the challenges of the future.

marxist, racist crt indoctrination - and just the tip of an iceberg

the democraticommunists are doing their best to obfuscate adn cover up their indoctrination with 'code words" - and hide their intent to brain wash students.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!