Bayou Babe

Afternoon y'all. Moved back to the area after years and wow have things changed and not in a fun way. It's a ghost town compared to back in the day.

That said, does anyone know if Nikki is still around? If so could you provide her new number? Thanks!
Afternoon y'all. Moved back to the area after years and wow have things changed and not in a fun way. It's a ghost town compared to back in the day.

That said, does anyone know if Nikki is still around? If so could you provide her new number? Thanks! Originally Posted by supermanck
You have to be more specific I know of at least 10 Nikki's who worked our area.
She also went by Bayou Babe.
aka Brooklyn/Bayou Babe/Nikki/Nicole and some others that escape me. There was a thread on one of the boards I started asking if anyone had heard from her since her last add she posted over six months ago now. Nobody had heard from her or at least nobody admitted to knowing her whereabouts in said thread. I have not had contact with her since she last posted on stg nor have any of our mutual acquaintances. My guess is she is playing house with one of her tricks/sugar daddies or she is on a state sponsored vacation in another state. She isnt in custody in MS or LA that I can find and most all of those counties/parishes are searchable as are both state prison systems and she is for sure not in either one of those. Nor is she away on a fed charge so that leaves a county/parish in ms/la that isn't searchable or taking a break from providing/living with a trick/sugar daddy as the most likely scenarios.

I hope she got her shit together and just left hobby all together personally. She is a super cool girl who if not for her demons most likely would have had a much better life than the one she has led living out of cheap notells servicing the likes of us. She has disappeared for fairly long stents before and showed back up and picked right back up where she left off. I keep waiting for an add to pop up in our area any day now but like I said earlier I hope that it never does.

If anyone does have any solid info feel free to pass it along to me backchannel on one of the other boards.
Thanks Basscat, it's appreciated. She was definitely in a class of her own. First time I meet her I ended up helping her bring in groceries and cooking dinner for her afterwards. Totally amazing girl.

I'm on the same page as you but the little head has a long memory.
Just wanted to say thanks once more and ask a question.

I moved away and overseas 11 years ago and it's a completely different scene here now.

I miss Eastern Europe and SE Asia, honestly I'm beginning to realize how spoilt I've become over the years.

What changed?
Agree. She was a good artist