Encounter: Cindy delivers again!

Oneputbirdie's Avatar
User ID: Na
Date: 1/4/22
Name: Cindy
Phone: 305-204-8331
Email Address: Didn't get
URL (Profile or Bio Page): https://www.eroticmonkey.ch/cindy-es...-237449#erotic
City: Fort Walton
State: Florida
Address: Fort Walton
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: BBBJ and MPCFS
Duration of Encounter: 30 minutes
Hair Length and Color: Shoulder length blonde
Age: 50's
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Super sexy woman with large natural breasts!
Recommendation: Yes
Glad you had fun. I personally didn’t have a good experience!
I agree with BG. I met her through SA. It was the shortest SA date of my life after she went on some political rant. Still get totally incoherent texts from her every once in a while.
I saw her once, she got passed off because I was making her squirter and she was going to have to change the sheets. IMO she doesn't look nearly as good as her pics posted back then.
I agree with BG, Nav and LOL. I saw her a couple of years ago. She wanted to sit and drink wine at the beginning of the session and talk politics. I finally told her we needed to get going with session - that I had places to be. Session was very blah. She was much heavier than her pictures indicated. She talked way too much. We finally finished the deed and as I was leaving she wanted to know if I would be back. Being polite I told her yes.
Well.. about a week later she texts me. Then she started calling my phone. I finally answered it and told her to never contact me unless I initiated it. She stopped contacting me then.
She is an interesting person and not in a good way.