Unintended Consiquences: SCOTUS Decisions on Vax Mandate and Oath Keepers Inditements

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There are usually unintended consequences whenever the courts get involved with things.

First is the SCOTUS decision on the work-place vax mandate. The court decided that a federal agency, in this case OSHA, cannot make sweeping regulations not authorized by statute law. That is a gross oversimplification of the decision, but it gets us to the unintended part. It is now quite possible that many sweeping rules changes regarding firearms made by the BATFE could be challenged based on that decision.

The second thing I'd like to bring up is the inditement of a number of Oath Keepers for seditions conspiracy. Part of the evidence for a conspiracy to overthrow the government through violence involves e-mails they made to each other on Jan 5th and Jan 6th complaining that President Trump was not doing anything to overturn the certification of the vote. This evidence may go far in letting Trump off the hook for the Jan 6th events. and then it may bot, but now it is out there in the public domain in official documents.