Another of BRANDON'S "TOP PRIORITIES" down the shitter!!

The mofo in the oval office and his side kick chucky get thier ASSES handed to them AGAIN!!

Biden, Schumer dealt major loss after ‘nuclear option’ on filibuster blows up in the Senate

Manchin accuses fellow Dems of taking 'easy way out' with filibuster nuclear option voteVulnerable Dem says he'll vote to nuke filibuster, leaving Manchin and Sinema even more isolatedHow the media pushes a misleading narrative on the filibuster debateSchumer to propose talking filibuster amid voting rights clash
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Wed, January 19, 2022, 11:21 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden ends his first year in the White House with a clear majority of Americans for the first time disapproving of his handling of the presidency in the face of an unrelenting pandemic and roaring inflation, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
More Americans disapprove than approve of how Biden is handling his job as president, 56% to 43%. As of now, just 28% of Americans say they want Biden to run for reelection in 2024, including only 48% of Democrats.

And yesterday he was stupid enough to state if he ran in 2024 the ho was going to be his running mate
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Biden, Schumer dealt major loss after ‘nuclear option’ on filibuster blows up in the Senate Originally Posted by bb1961