We are all safer now it Topeka

SmallWonder's Avatar
Yes, while murderers, burglars, ****** arsonists and other miscreants roam the streets of Topeka, we citizens can breath easy. Why, may you ask? Because the Kaw Valley Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force has closed ALL of the AMPs in Topeka, protecting us from the evils of getting a massage and a hand-job.

Staff edit link removed The Dr

Three people were arrested, but all AMPs in Topeka were raided and apparently shut down.

I don't know about you guys, but now I feel I can leave my doors unlocked at night. My concerns about a stray spray of jizz roaming through the streets prepared to strike at any moment have been put to rest! Topeka is now a safe place to live and work!

Not sure why we even need a police force, at this point. Their work appears to be done.
Wonder what direction the "kaw valley taskforce" is heading next....
Boredinop's Avatar
Everyone in Kansas needs to thank douchebag Roger Marshall for his heroic efforts. Shit he even let us know how much Fauci makes although a quick search would disclose that info. When are these idiots, and I mean ALL politicians, going to focus on REAL problems?
Master's Mate's Avatar
Yes, while murderers, burglars, ****** arsonists and other miscreants roam the streets of Topeka, we citizens can breath easy. Why, may you ask? Because the Kaw Valley Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force has closed ALL of the AMPs in Topeka, protecting us from the evils of getting a massage and a hand-job.

(Staff edit link removed)

Three people were arrested, but all AMPs in Topeka were raided and apparently shut down.

I don't know about you guys, but now I feel I can leave my doors unlocked at night. My concerns about a stray spray of jizz roaming through the streets prepared to strike at any moment have been put to rest! Topeka is now a safe place to live and work!

Not sure why we even need a police force, at this point. Their work appears to be done. Originally Posted by SmallWonder
You certainly right about the priorities of the police. You can be assaulted in Topeka and not much happens concerning the police investigation...never will there be an arrest it seems. Let someone get an massage and a bit more...lock them up.