
berryberry's Avatar
Now I do not follow Hungarian politics - but I saw they had an election today and saw a couple important points made

1. How can Hungary – an alleged backwater country – be able to count millions of votes within a few hours and without midnight ballot dumps, while the beacon of democracy wasn't able to do that?

2. With nearly 100 percent of votes counted, Viktor Orbán nets +2 seats, finishing with a supermajority of 135 seats or over two thirds in a nearly 20-point electoral landslide.

3. Viktor Orban and his Fidesz party thumped the opposition coalition of liberals and neo-Nazis backed by quite literally every element of global liberaldom: from the EU to the mainstream press, from the State Department to the liberal bureaucrats in Brussels, to George Soros and Hillary Clinton.

4. This is the 3rd time in a row Prime Minister Viktor Orbán won a 2/3-parliamentary majority based on a campaign that was conservative, nationalist, anti-immigration, pro-traditional family

5. Addressing a jubilant crowd chanting his name, Orban said:
"We have won a great victory -- a victory so great you can perhaps see it from the moon and certainly from Brussels".
This will be Orban's fourth consecutive term in office.
“Hungarians decided that they back peace and security,” Orban’s foreign minister, Peter Szijjarto, told TV2 Sunday night.

Congratulations, Hungary. Populism won, liberalism lost again!
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'The House That Davos Built' Quakes As PM Orban Claims "Great Victory" In Hungary Election

Today Hungarians went to the polls to decide their future. What they may not have realized is that they also are deciding on the future of most of the European continent in the process.

Sitting Prime Minister Viktor Orban is vying for his fourth term in office, having been in power for 12 years and he is under intense opposition from within and without. It’s an open secret that Orban is reviled in Brussels.

And because of his basic sense of common decency and nationalism that means he must be removed from office in order to ensure the full consolidation of power with the European Commission and European Council.

That only happens with his removal and a Brussels-centric puppet controlled by George Soros and the Davos Crowd put in his place. There is a real sense of desperation surrounding this bid to remove Orban.

The formation of a ridiculous Not-Orban coalition of no less than six parties, none of whom would piss in each other’s mouths if their throats were on fire, is pure desperation. It is the apotheosis of the Davos strategy to put in power weak coalitions that can be torn apart at the seams but whose members are also so enamored with being in power they won’t collapse the government as popular opinion turns against them.

This is how Davos engineered Mario Draghi’s takeover in Italy. Five Star Movement cut a deal with the Democrats to oust Lega despite the polls being completely against the idea of such a government after Matteo Salvini pulled out of his coalition with Five Star back in 2019.

Germany’s ‘Traffic Light’ coalition members have almost nothing in common but in no way will you see the FDP, for example, pull out of it with their sinking poll numbers, now just 8%, even though they could. Instead, we see Finance Minister and FDP leader Christian Lindner doing exactly what he was put in power to do, gum up the financial works and prep the stage for the transference of Germany’s power within the EU to the EU.

But all of that unravels if Orban is free for another four years to veto every stupid and belligerent idea that comes out of the European Council. Hungary is already under financing sanctions from the EU over their anti-LGBT laws, threatening to block distributions from the EU budget.

The EU have already gotten the Poles to knuckle under because the Poles are dependent on Germany for gas flows thanks to their own intransigence in cutting deals with Russia for energy.

Hungary, on the other hand, has energy independence from Brussels by having contracted directly with Gazprom for natural gas via Turkstream’s train that goes into Serbia and Hungary. This should give you some context as to why the EU is trying to sanction Serbia and cut off the flows of that pipeline where it crosses EU territory in Bulgaria.

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Jacuzzme's Avatar
Hungry is the sanest country on earth at the present time. Their pro-family policies are awesome.