Scammer Alert : Melania Swan

(mods: feel free to move if this isn't the correct forum)

Date: 4-7-2022
Name: Melania Swan
Web Sites :
Phone number: 857-371-2520

I contacted Melania, sent a deposit (yes, yes, I know, I know), and set up an 8 AM appointment.

I arrived at the designated location and got a text message that the hotel manager had asked her to leave due to the volume of visitors she has seen. That has me suspicious: it was 8 AM and the meeting was set at midnight. Did she really work over night, and see enough clients to raise suspicion with the hotel?

Regardless, she stated she would contact me later in the day after finding a new incall. It has been 15 hours since that text message, and 6 hours since I last texted her for an update. I am assuming she has ghosted me with my deposit, and posting this scammer alert because of it.

I will update this thread if there are any more updates.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Not an encounter - moved
Thanks for the info and I was thinking about her too but couldn't get past the height and weight in metric...strange but beautiful
Yeah she quoted me 400 with half deposit and I thought, there is no way this is a real person. Thanks for verifying my suspicion. Sorry for your loss.
MissChloeStarr's Avatar
It's renegades like that who make it difficult for elite entertainers like me. Oh well, I still make things happen. You know what they say, "It's more than one way to skin a cat!"
It's renegades like that who make it difficult for elite entertainers like me. Oh well, I still make things happen. You know what they say, "It's more than one way to skin a cat!" Originally Posted by MissChloeStarr
Yep! Just like is all other aspects in life, a few ruin it for everyone else.

These days, it seems like the people who lack integrity and honesty outnumber everyone else.
remaind me a part from the forrest gump movie