In the area

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If you follow me on social media, you already know that I've recently moved into my new house.

With that being said, I was wondering if perhaps anyone in the area would happen to have a lawn mower that I can borrow for a few hours to cut my grass..maybe we can work out an agreement and I can even pay you a few to borrow it ....whatever's clever....

Also, I'm looking for hedge cutters to trim some bushes in my yard...I'm also in need of a watering hose .....

In the near future, I'll be looking to obtain a billiards table as well if you know someone, or if you yourself, have one that you'd like to sell in the future, feel free to message me.

Thanks in Advance - xo Deja
  • city
  • 05-16-2022, 11:07 AM
Sent pm