Where Are We" Where will We Go? How Will We Get There?

ICU 812's Avatar
Sounds a little like one of the songs from the musical "Paint Your Wagon" now that I read it.

This morning, I see some of the main issues facing the Nation today to be (in no particular order):

Crime in te streets
Border Security
Reliable Energy

There are more but lets just focus on those for now.

With the midterms coming up in a few weeks . . .

How will implementing the progressive agenda address the above issues in the short term or near future?

In what ways will implementing the "Grteen New Deal" address the increased need for reliable energy in the next ten years as the mandates for everyone to have an electric car kick in?

How will embracing "wokeness" reduce crime and homelessness or improve the level of education among our children in math, science and reading?

How will shrinking police departments in major cities and deemphasizing pretrial incarceration reduce crime?

I am looking to inform my voting decisions in a few weeks and in the next two years. to that end, I am open to hearing positive remarks about what the liberal progressives will do to make America a better place to live.

Tell me why I should vote a straight Democratic ballot this fall and in 2024. Please, lets keep the discussion focused on policy not politicians.
Didn’t you just post this same shit in another thread. What’s this - number 3 or 4. Goodness man. Post some new different bullshit.
... The great thing about this site and the forums here
is that participation is VOLUNTARY... Meaning that you
don't need to comment if you don't wanna.

... You look-like a liberal who is trying like
Jack-the-Lad to restrict someone's speech.

YOU could work for Twitter and Facebooks, mate. ...

Though your action somehow seems rather un-American.
First Amendment and all that...
(Rather un-Australian also)

... I'm interested in seeing ICU's opinions on things.

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
I am trying to elicit responses from liberals explaining how the progressive agenda will positively affect our society and nation . . .without referring to personalities or politicians . . .or engaging in name calling and ad homonym attacks.

For the sake of this discussion, it may be convenient for us to assume that the Republicans lose big in the midterms and the Democrats retain dominant control of the House and Senate.
ICU 812's Avatar
Didn’t you just post this same shit in another thread. What’s this - number 3 or 4. Goodness man. Post some new different bullshit. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yes. I did. It was a newish thought at the end of a longish thread. I recently got a warning about hijacking a topic on another thread (don't want that). So I thought it worth pursuing on a thread of its own.

Please feel free to respond to the OP topic of this thread.
HedonistForever's Avatar
And first up, we have Mr. ad hominem himself who NEVER has a constructive thing to say because he can't defend a single Democrat policy on any of the issue's you brought up. He complains about you posting the same thing over and over when it is he that post's the same thing every time, attack, attack, attack. It's all he has.

Let me predict that not a single Democrat on this board can do what you have asked, give a common sense response to your questions but I applaud you for asking for what you will never get from a Democrat, a sensible response to a question.
biomed1's Avatar
Of the Following . . .
The following is not permitted on the site:

Insulting Others
Targeting other members for attacks
Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
Disrespecting other members on the site
General rudeness toward other members on the site
ICU 812's Avatar
Again: I welcome participation from anyone on this topic.
ICU 812's Avatar
Just crickets from the left on this.

Have the usual liberal contributors been banned?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-09-2022, 09:15 AM
Just crickets from the left on this.

Have the usual liberal contributors been banned? Originally Posted by ICU 812
They closed the banned thread, so who knows!

To answer you orginal question....I do not think anyone should vote a straight ballot.

I think the progressive slant to say individual freedom is moreso on abortion.

Some want the Federal Government to decide, others the State....I want each individual to decide. That would put me on the Progressive side.

On spending.....both parties are pitiful. Have any of you Trump lovers checked out the debt Trump piled up. Biden may be even worse.

Neither party is responsible for inflation....blame that on Covid. Gonna take a while for that to shake out.

I don't give a fuck about Border Security, that is a Boogie man argument. Like worrying about a nuclear war.

There is no crime on the street where I live!

I lost power during the ice storm but other than that my energy has been reliable. Gone up a bit but reliable af.

Homelessness? Who the fuck cares about that other than a homeless mother fucker?....you homeless?
Why wait time and effort on someone who's mind is obviously closed?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-09-2022, 01:19 PM
Why wait time and effort on someone who's mind is obviously closed? Originally Posted by Anonymous01
Just killing time...
ICU 812's Avatar
WTF: Thanks for that topic-oriented response.

I hope there will be others.

Anon: Please keep the discussion about the topic, not the about posters.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
WTF: Thanks for that topic-oriented response.

I hope there will be others.

Anon: Please keep the discussion about the topic, not the about posters. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Off topic?

Looks like he responded line by line to your repetitive gripes.
ICU 812's Avatar
And do you have anything to add to the discussion?

I encourage you to explain how any part of progressive agenda will make America a better place in the next few years.