Lack of reviews

There have been a couple of providers that are touring and will be in Des Moines this month that I am interested in. Tryst shows what city they are based in, so I navigated to their home state or city on eccie to read encounter reports for those providers. I did a search and found nothing. One of them does have reviews on eccie for some of the locations she will be touring to. But I’m still a little nervous about the fact that she doesn’t have any reviews from her home base. Am I just paranoid? Or, is this fairly common and there’s a reasonable explanation for all of this? Thanks for any insight you folks can share.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The hobby universe is way larger than just this one board. I myself am on a handful of boards, and inactive on a few more.

Simply look at her data, see what her tele pulls up, and look for consistency.
Searching for her number is your best bet. The other thing to do is ask her if there are reviews you can be linked to.
OliviaAllenDSM's Avatar
Does she have a social media presence? Does she have a website? More importantly, does her website state she doesn't want reviews? If so, as stated above, look for consistency.

Generally if she has an active Twitter that's been around for awhile and a website, you should be fine.

The fastest way to offend her will be to ask her for reviews, especially if her website states she doesn't want them.