Quid Pro Quo Joe

HedonistForever's Avatar
No, this isn't about the last time Joe Biden was involved in an illegal quid pro quo, well, if you used the same standard used against Trump, which of course wasn't used.

Remember Joe proudly saying "I told the Ukrainian's, either fire the prosecutor or you aren't getting the money that Congress allocated to be given to Ukraine" and you've got ( Looking at his watch, nice theatrical touch ) 6 hours before I leave with the money.

But according to Democrats and the main stream media, that was not a quid pro quo because Obama and other world leaders approved as if that makes a bit of difference legally speaking.

"Your Honor, I have 6 very respected important people who will say they were alright with my client breaking the law". Yeah, right.

So today we hear that since Saudi Arabia gave the middle finger to Joe Biden and his wish that OPEC would increase production just to get Joe out of a political hot mess he created for himself by declaring on day one of his Presidency, that he would "put the oil and gas industry out of business for good to save the planet" don't you know.

And Joe's response "we are working on what action will will take in return for Saudi Arabia denying our request for help". Many Democrats are screaming "stop the of military aid to Saudi Arabia". "You defied the wishes of the President of the United States ( sound familiar, Trump, Ukraine ).

So the President, Joe Biden, asked Saudi Arabia for a favor that would directly benefit him and his parties election chances in a month which is bewildering some how different than Trump asking Ukraine for a favor that would benefit him politically they said.

When Saudi Arabia said NO, unlike what Ukraine did because Zelinsky said he was never offered any such quid pro quo which of course Democrats then accused him of lying for Trump and not that he truly had no idea any of this was even being discussed.

When they said NO, the Democrats are now saying, "punish Saudi Arabia for defying a request by the President for a favor", a quid pro quo.

Why isn't this punishable by impeachment? Equal application of the law. The Democrats will of course, like many of the liberal posters on this board will say "that's different" but of course the only thing that is different is that the Republican is guilty but the Democrat is not for the very same thing.
Lol. That’s the dumbest interpretation of what occurred I’ve read yet, and that’s saying something.

How about this one. Saudi Arabia is raising oil prices in an effort that’s helping the Russians and Iranians while we’re trying to punish those nations. Also, their action directly affects every American citizen by increasing our costs here at home. So if Saudi wants to do that, we will leverage them against taking that action by taking away something that they want from us. And it’s not just democrats that want to punish the Saudis, it’s bipartisan anger over their actions. That’s why we should see some congressional action not just unilateral action from the president.

HFRipmany has it really going these days.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Thank you valued poster by clarifying the meaning of quid pro quo, "don't do what I ask which will help me politically in the up coming mid terms and we will take something from you like "if you don't investigate what I want you to, I will take something away from you".

Joe has now done twice what Trump was impeached for

quid pro quo
  • a favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something.
As in, if you raise your production, we will continue to provide you with military aid. Sound familiar? If you don't do as I ask, I will punish you by removing the military aid.

Yes, it is well within our right to take away from Saudi Arabia, anything we chose, you just can't say "we won't if you give us what we want" which is the definition of quid pro quo, apparently an impeachable offense depending on who is making it.

Spin it any way you want, that is the definition of a quid pro quo whose meaning seems to change with which every party is using it.

No. You just are making it how you want rather than what it is.

Saudis are raising oil prices which hurt all Americans.
Saudis are raising oil prices which aid Russia in fighting Ukraine.
America wants Saudi to help lower oil prices because it’s good for America and bad for Russia (who is discounting their oil by about 40/barrel).
Americas leverage against Saudi is arms sales.
America will hold back arms sales to force Saudi to provide cheaper oil.

Call it what you want but this is what America wants not just what Joe wants. Your attempt to somehow compare it to Trump is inept at best and infantile at worst.

Like I said before, discussing anything with you is like discussing it with RIPmany with longer prose. We hope you actually know better than what you’re saying but sadly you might really think what you’re saying makes sense. It doesn’t, no matter how many words you use, it won’t.
HedonistForever's Avatar
No. You just are making it how you want rather than what it is.
Originally Posted by 1blackman1

A very adept explanation of what the Democrat Party has been doing for years now. Thank you.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-13-2022, 10:27 AM
Lol. That’s the dumbest interpretation of what occurred I’ve read yet, and that’s saying something.

How about this one. Saudi Arabia is raising oil prices in an effort that’s helping the Russians and Iranians while we’re trying to punish those nations. Also, their action directly affects every American citizen by increasing our costs here at home. So if Saudi wants to do that, we will leverage them against taking that action by taking away something that they want from us. And it’s not just democrats that want to punish the Saudis, it’s bipartisan anger over their actions. That’s why we should see some congressional action not just unilateral action from the president.

HFRipmany has it really going these days. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
HF must believe that he is play the 6 degree Kevin Bacon game.

You got to give the kid a E for effort and a D for dumb a fuck
A very adept explanation of what the Democrat Party has been doing for years now. Thank you. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Whataboutism, the only language you speak. Even on a subject that you raised and created a thread on. See how I made an argument (which you’re free to disagree with) without resorting to attacks on Trump or comparisons to Trump. All you understand is whataboutism. It’s very sad you’re that limited in a discussion. Not surprising though since it’s all you do.