Could this forum survive if it forced mandatory civil discussions?
One of the gun forums I am on, and its one of many hosted by the same people have started to enforce civil discussion in its sub forums, most specifically in the political ones.
It did not ban discussion of politics, but, what it did, was make it a pointable/bannable, if name calling, taunting, etc, was part of the conversation.
Examples are "Libtard", "FJB", etc, general name calling, and general incivility, or a reduction of hatred, if you will, to slow down the general hatred that is dividing not only our forums, but our country.
Lets be real, we are a hair close to a civil war, imho, its been brought about by the sheer hatred, violence, and division by the left, none of my conservative friends wake up and think supporting riots, burning businesses, government buildings is a good idea politically.
Nor did any of them start a bail fund for conservative protesters, AKA, the false "Insurrectionists".
But, back to the point, I personally have no issue sticking to the politics, minus the hatred and anger, is there anyone else who would rather see a debate about the facts, instead of the bullshit?
IF, the board won't do it, or enforce it, I'll make a suggestion we try to do it voluntarily.
Conservatives, which is what I am, not an R or a D, can we be better than the libs without resorting to the hate?
I'll wait for the rotten cabbages and tomatoes to be tossed at me, but, Its a serious question and topic.
Bluntly, I'm ready to walk away from the forum again, for good as I did last time, not sure how many years, but it was a while.
After a few weeks under the current rules on that gun forum, I'm finding I like the politics better without the hate.
And, one other point, if this doesn't happen, why is this forum even moderated at all?
Why even bother to enforce some rules of discipline, when it doesn't exist at all within our political discussions?
I guess race hatred isn't OK, so, why is hatred of someone because of your political affiliation tolerable.
Leave us alone, clean it up, or shut it down, that's where I'm at right now.