In the words of the infamous Clayton Williams

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Another Republican who couldn’t keep his mouth shut

In a rape situation “ Relax and enjoy. He gave Texas Ann Richards. In truth , although I differed Ms Richards in politics, I really liked her style.
  • Tiny
  • 11-13-2022, 04:08 PM
Here's a more detailed account of the incident, that occurred when Clayton (Claytie) Williams was running for governor.

Claytie, his ranch hands and some reporters were sitting around the campfire one cold and rainy evening. He said something like "Rape is kind of like the rain. You can't do anything about it, so you might as well just sit back and enjoy it."

I wonder if the reporters thought they were about to get butt fucked by Claytie and his Cowboys.

Williams was expected to win the election before that. And yes, Ann Richards became the new governor.