It only took 2 years

berryberry's Avatar
It only took 2 years and the Republicans gaining control of the House with investigations pending into the Senile Biden Crime Family for far left CBS to finally admit, yes Hunter Biden's laptop is real.

Shocking after they and the other media and big tech denied it and suppressed the story to help get Senile Biden in office

CBS News had an independent review done of Hunter’s laptop. They concluded they believe its real.

Watch the full report
berryberry's Avatar
Glenn Greenwald:

A vital reminder: the media outlets that always tell you they fight "disinformation" united right before the 2020 election to spread an absolute lie: this laptop was "Russian disinformation."

I knew it was a lie right away and staked my career on it. They lied *on purpose*.

I don't care about Hunter Biden. This mattered because it revealed a lot about ***Joe Biden's**** activities in China and Ukraine.

And now it matters most because the media outlets that all lied refuse to retract this lie. They lie as their mission

If you don't care that the CIA laundered a blatant lie through their most loyal media servants -- starting with POLITICO's Natasha Bertrand -- all to interfere in and manipulate the outcome of the 2020 election, then it means you are an authoritarian and love "disinformation"

The HuffPost didn't just spread the CIA lie that the laptop was "Russian disinformation." They produced a virtual Biden 2020 campaign video based on it.

Less than 2 weeks before Americans voted in the 2020 election, CNN put their normal army of US Security State operatives to spread the lie that the laptop was "Russian disinformation." CNN spread it all over their platforms. Not one retraction

And one high-level Democratic official after the next -- including Jen Psaki and the Biden Campaign itself -- repeatedly said that the Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation." They all lied. This was a CIA lie. These are the people who want the power to censor the internet.

The former head of Twitter's content moderation (i.e. censorship) unit, @yoyoel, has a NYT op-ed praising himself for all the ways his censorship made the US healthier. He forgot to mention that he and Twitter *banned* links to reporting on the laptop based on this CIA lie.

This was - and is - a gigantic scandal. The CIA, corporate media and Big Tech (including FB) all united *right before the election* to lie to the American public about information that reflected poorly on Joe Biden, and then brute censored it.

Anyway, it's obvious why all these media corporations united to ratify what was so clearly a CIA lie right before the election. It's the same reason they won't retract or acknowledge it now. They lied to ensure Trump lost, and they know their liberal audience wants them to lie.
berryberry's Avatar
If you are an ill-informed leftist, you may be surprised to learn that this is what real election interference looks like
Boredinop's Avatar
Wow are there really people like this that have virtually no life at all other than this rant????????? LMMFAO
berryberry's Avatar
This exchange between Trump and CBS Lesley Stahl back in 2020 is insane. She repeatedly insists the Biden laptops “can’t be verified” so reporters shouldn’t talk about it.

Trump asks her why it can’t be verified.

Her answer: “Because it can’t be verified.”

Is she going to apologize now or better yet get locked up for helping throw the 2020 election? The media is corrupt