Best Way To Wake Up in The Morning

Fast Gunn's Avatar

The question is:

What is the best way to wake up in the morning?

Someone suggested a massage, some breakfast and some nooky.

That sounds good for a short vacation period, but I don't think it would be good for you in the long term.

I think that for extended periods, that lifestyle would make you fat and flabby.

I think the best way to wake up is to have breakfast, run 2 or 3 miles, shower and then jump into your day.

Going through that procedure would have earned you the nooky for the day and you don't get fat and flabby.

What do you think?

There's a lot to be said for exercise, and as long as I can say it, I don't have to do it.

For me, there is nothing better than a good bed. IMHO, the best beds are Hilton beds, and if I could afford one, I would own one. The best way to get up is after having spent a restful night in a good bed.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Best way to wake up in the morning.... alive.
With hot coffee in the machine waiting for me!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
And after the coffee, what do you have next?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Best way to wake up in the morning.... alive. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Beat me to it!! Now there's somebody who thinks like I do (and is probably my age).
1thatgotaway's Avatar
with my arms around a very special lady
Lets see... the best way to wake up.
I say still sleepy...
Then you know, you didn't miss nothing.
Hmmm, after coffee? I suppose some snuggling that would definitely lead to more fun...sounds good, doesn't it?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, now you're talking!

That sounds great to me!

srvfin's Avatar
Dude.... Blowjob! Then all that other stuff you mentioned....
srvfin has it right. Why waste a perfectly good morning woody ? Then do all that other stuff after you get your blood moving.
sex, then coffee & toast or a bagel, then a little free running, then a shower.
Starbucks every morning.
Starbucks every morning. Originally Posted by Tara Evans

Thanks. I'm glad you need me daily.

[Signed] Starbucks.