Ladies here is my monthly "nc/ns, jerk" list

Jon (is a p411 member)- 512 9*1 20** last minute no call no show
Richard boon* boone-richard@ - believes screening is "giving him a hard time" then tells me to "quit cheating on my boyfriend" what?!!?
Mikejones- 210 2*7 94** chatted ALL day about an apt, all the way up until 30m prior to apt time, then poof he vanished!! NC/NS
GreggJames- 512 4*7 0*5* email archielittle(or similar)... haggler, time waister and multiple last min cancels!!!

staff edit fix number. Per /op .....coj
(staff edit; further obscured the posted phone numbers for privacy; ztonk)
Britttany_love's Avatar
thanks for the heads up girl
I would like to ad "RON" 512 9*4 00** set apt with stacy but never made it to the door... left due to "being scared of the dark" and the dogs barking behind the neighbors fence scared him!! Our incall is in a safe, cute, white neighborhood... not ghetto or scary by any means!!

(staff edit; further obscured phone number; ztonk)
cckid2006's Avatar
Not on the "list".
nuglet's Avatar
yeppers Kid.. you and me both..
I agree in calling these flakes out..I have to go thru a lot to make it to an appointment on time and hold up my end of the bargain...I doll myself up like I am going on a date, which all the ladies know take time....I should get a CC to charge a restocking fee...LOL
sixxbach's Avatar
Marley, I like you and all.... BUT is this really alert worthy? Is there a danger to someone's well being?

snoopdogg's Avatar
haha i like it
what's good for the goosers is good for the ganders
(misspelling on purpose)

I've been NC/NS'd before and it's f**king annoying
and used coed to almost expose someone
i think it's fair marley gets out some of her anger on these guys
probably better in co-ed rather than you say six
txAustin202's Avatar
I had my first NCNS yesterday. Still debating whether to post about it in co-ed. I was very annoyed since I had to travel from RR to Town Lake and got stuck in traffic coming back. Even gave the girl a chance to explain but still crickets.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 09-09-2011, 10:07 PM
is this really alert worthy? Is there a danger to someone's well being? Originally Posted by sixxbach
The description for this forum is:
Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community go here. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material.
Since this is more FYI material for the ladies, I'm moving this thread to Co-Ed.

While all if it may not be an alert part of it is... the whole "boyfriend" comment?? Is the guy some stalker or someone researching girls?? I did not post the whole conversation, just summed it up. SOOO yes that is an alert, 100%. Ladies need to know if there's a guy like that around. Blackmailing is a big big ALERT in this buis. SO if a guy starts throwing your personal buis into it... then there is reason to be alarmed!! (i know mentioning the boyfriend could just be a common thing thrown at girls to get their panties in a wad, but it was more specefic than just that and i dont wish to repeat what exactly was said) There are a BUNCH of NC/NS threads in the alert section honey pie... at least i summed all of mine up into one!! I deff did not want this posted in co-ed though! This is not really co-ed material lol. Would of posted in the ladies area, but not all ladies or agencies have access to that area. SO my apologies for cluttering the happy zone known as co-ed with nc/ns drama!
haha i like it
what's good for the goosers is good for the ganders
(misspelling on purpose)

I've been NC/NS'd before and it's f**king annoying
and used coed to almost expose someone
i think it's fair marley gets out some of her anger on these guys
probably better in co-ed rather than you say six Originally Posted by snoopdogg
And i totally agree, if a girl nc/ns on you without a good reason, apology or attempt to make it up to you with extra time or discount, then yes she should be outted, especially if she is known for doing these sort of things. I dont consider it a nc/ns if the guy tells me he cant make it, or has a legit reason... if he at least explains what happens. BUT most of these guys just dropped off the face of the earth 10-15m before the apt... after talking to me LITERALLY ALL day long! And the guy who actually showed up but ran away scared?? Really? Why not call, Stacy would of happily came and got you from your car and held your hand until you were safely inside the incall!! Then mike has been a regular of mine for over a year, which makes it even worse, wheres the common courtesy? HE knew i had paid for a sitter and drove 30m to the incall, just to do a 15m french for him, because he is a regular! So that hurt, and yeah it pissed me off... Then Greg, booked a girl 7 hours in advance, asked for a good deal, in which the girl gave him, asked for a special outfit, in which she bought... he knew she was coming from 45m away... then 20m to apt time he says "oh wait i just realized im over 90m away and cant make it" but he was just texting me 5m before that making sure she had his outfit on!!! so this poor girl had no gas to get home, i had to get up late at night and drive all the way there to give her gas money. So yeah these are deff "bitch worthy" if you will lol.
rrrabbit's Avatar
I'd like to add "rrrabbit" to the list. He shows up with a 3" penis, and that's on his good day.

Stay away ladies.
Hey bunny wwabbit... girls like that, then they can go the whole hour and not worry about hurting or being out of commision for a couple days!!! lol
rrrabbit's Avatar
Well, in that case... send me 3 of them, so I can feel like 9".
