Mohammed bin Salman Paid Trump Millions

Cody69's Avatar
Every day I see how messed up the democrats are. I think our famous Democrat basher must have missed this when he was posting things that we could care about. Hunter, if he did the crime, he should do the time, same as Jeared, Donny Jr., Stupid Eric and God forbid, hot Momma Ivanka.

That is why Trump kept the hundreds of Top secret Documents and wouldn't give them back. He give them to Mohammed bin Salman to give back for all of his debts.

Follow the money trail, it always comes to light.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Every day I see how messed up the democrats are. I think our famous Democrat basher must have missed this when he was posting things that we could care about. Hunter, if he did the crime, he should do the time, same as Jeared, Donny Jr., Stupid Eric and God forbid, hot Momma Ivanka.

That is why Trump kept the hundreds of Top secret Documents and wouldn't give them back. He give them to Mohammed bin Salman to give back for all of his debts.

Follow the money trail, it always comes to light. Originally Posted by Cody69

Nonprofit Democracy for the Arab World Now said LIV Golf, a tournament franchise and PGA Golf rival, paid Trump-owned golf resorts "unknown millions of dollars" to host events. Recent court proceedings revealed that Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund -- chaired by bin Salman -- owns 93% of LIV Golf, and pays "100 percent of the costs associated with the events."


"If Trump or his agents discussed any deals with LIV Golf or PIF while Trump was still in office, a criminal investigation would also be in order because federal law strictly prohibits this sort of business dealing by sitting federal officials with foreign governments."


Salon is a poor source for anything other than far left rage whining.
berryberry's Avatar

Wow, did you even read the story you linked? Because it has nothing to do with the erroneous claims you made

Let's make this simple.

1. The Trump organization owns a number of high end golf clubs. They have for years.

2. The PGA has over the years paid the Trump Organization fees to host PGA events at their golf clubs

3. The Saudi's started the LIV golf tour last year to compete with the PGA. The Saudi's paid big time money to attract PGA stars to play on their tour

4. To have a tour, you need to play on high end golf courses so the Saudi's paid a number of golf clubs fees to host their tour events just like the PGA pays golf clubs to host their events

5. Just like the PGA wanted to host events at some of the Trump Organization golf clubs and paid to do so, so did the LIV tour

6. Nothing nefarious about it

7. Absolutely zero to do with anything to do with documents or debt like you made up
Cody69's Avatar
Nonprofit Democracy for the Arab World Now said LIV Golf, a tournament franchise and PGA Golf rival, paid Trump-owned golf resorts "unknown millions of dollars" to host events. Recent court proceedings revealed that Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund -- chaired by bin Salman -- owns 93% of LIV Golf, and pays "100 percent of the costs associated with the events."


"If Trump or his agents discussed any deals with LIV Golf or PIF while Trump was still in office, a criminal investigation would also be in order because federal law strictly prohibits this sort of business dealing by sitting federal officials with foreign governments."


Salon is a poor source for anything other than far left rage whining. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
We see how illegal things got Trump in Jail, That is his middle name.

If he were a regular Donald the Garbageman, He would have been in Jail for life for what he has done. Actually they would probably seek the death penalty. He has done more than Charley Manson, Bernie Madoff, and especially Jeffery Epstein.

He is in the same caliber as all of those scum. Two years after being out of office he don't stop committing crimes. He can't help himself. Once a bad person always a bad person.

It is like a guy having to have sex with attractive women, they can't stop. We all live that life, a good thing.

We won't go there with his deals, RIGHT
Cody69's Avatar

Wow, did you even read the story you linked? Because it has nothing to do with the erroneous claims you made

Let's make this simple.

1. The Trump organization owns a number of high end golf clubs. They have for years.

2. The PGA has over the years paid the Trump Organization fees to host PGA events at their golf clubs

3. The Saudi's started the LIV golf tour last year to compete with the PGA. The Saudi's paid big time money to attract PGA stars to play on their tour

4. To have a tour, you need to play on high end golf courses so the Saudi's paid a number of golf clubs fees to host their tour events just like the PGA pays golf clubs to host their events

5. Just like the PGA wanted to host events at some of the Trump Organization golf clubs and paid to do so, so did the LIV tour

6. Nothing nefarious about it

7. Absolutely zero to do with anything to do with documents or debt like you made up Originally Posted by berryberry
To be honest I actually don't read them, just the headlines. I know you will read every word and dissect them word for word. That way I won't have to read them and that keeps you out of trouble for a period.

That way you will not have time to constantly bash all the good things Biden and his people have done for the American people. Well actually the entire world poor people. He is the Robin Hood of the world.

Problem with Biden he cares to much for the weak. It is actually causing problems with the common folk. They want a piece of that pie. Don't work, get paid and have the greatest health insurance in the world and don't have to spend a dime or an ounce sweat to get it.

Only in America.Give to the Rich and watch them move all factories to another country or give to the poor and watch them do nothing productive.

So I kept you from bashing an outstanding president and it worked for a short period. Have a good day Berry.
berryberry's Avatar
To be honest I actually don't read them, just the headlines. Originally Posted by Cody69
Thanks for admitting you don't read the articles you post and you just make up false claims based on the headlines. At least you were honest about that
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
We see how illegal things got Trump in Jail, That is his middle name.

when exactly did Trump go to jail? must have missed that in my news feed.

If he were a regular Donald the Garbageman, He would have been in Jail for life for what he has done. Actually they would probably seek the death penalty. He has done more than Charley Manson, Bernie Madoff, and especially Jeffery Epstein.

well, Manson didn't actually kill anyone so not sure what your point here is. are you saying Trump ordered someone killed? who? total non sequitur.

He is in the same caliber as all of those scum. Two years after being out of office he don't stop committing crimes. He can't help himself. Once a bad person always a bad person.

if you say so

It is like a guy having to have sex with attractive women, they can't stop. We all live that life, a good thing.

so Trump should only have sex with ugly women?

We won't go there with his deals, RIGHT Originally Posted by Cody69

what about his deals? most have turned out well. some not so much. Trump has never had to declare personal bankruptcy. Corporate bankruptcy can happen to any company and often it's external factors not controllable by a company.

Trump's two biggest business mistakes were Trump Air, where airlines are a notoriously high cost low margin business and many airlines have gone bankrupt. most aren't profitable. Trump got into Atlantic City at a point where that market was saturated and then of course an economic downturn happened. and Trump had only 3 casinos all of which did go under but there were over a dozen other casinos that also went under.

so if airlines had a better track record which they don't for going under and only Trump Air failed you might have a case. if only Trump's casinos when under in Atlantic City where dozens did not you might have a case. if both of these industries had relatively high success rates which they don't you might have a case. you don't have a case.
Ok I will bite; what exactly has Biden done to benefit the general population of America in any tangible way? Don’t give me the whole “What did Trump do?” crap either. We aren’t talking about what Trump did or did not accomplish. You claimed Biden is a great POTUS so this should be easy.

I also think you are confused. Biden is the President of the United States, not the leader of the whole world. Whatever he has done to help the other peoples of the world is irrelevant. It’s his job to do what is beneficial to America. Again, what exactly has he done in that regard?

I also think you are confused— the government is not GIVING anything to the rich. The rich are the ones that create wealth. It is NOT the governments wealth to give. In fact, quite the opposite is true. The rich give (involuntarily to be sure)to the government, not the other way around. The rich got that way almost universally by providing goods or services that the general population wants or needs. Steve Jobs got rich by building electronic devices that almost all of us use. Bill Gates got rich by developing software that runs most computer systems. Other people got rich by providing other items or services. Even those who inherit wealth are rich because SOMEBODY made something that people want or need.

Now government does have benefit to us all, but let’s not pretend that all who run government do so out of an altruistic desire to help those who don’t have much. People generally get into government because they want money and power, but are unable to get it from the private sector. How else do you explain the fact that politicians spend millions to campaign for a job that pays hundreds of thousands, but end up becoming millionaires by the time their political careers end? If you think Biden is any different from any other politician, you certainly are naive. He is in it for his own benefit; any appearance of caring for anyone else is just a ruse designed to gain political support.
Cody69's Avatar
Ok I will bite; what exactly has Biden done to benefit the general population of America in any tangible way? Don’t give me the whole “What did Trump do?” crap either. We aren’t talking about what Trump did or did not accomplish. You claimed Biden is a great POTUS so this should be easy.

I also think you are confused. Biden is the President of the United States, not the leader of the whole world. Whatever he has done to help the other peoples of the world is irrelevant. It’s his job to do what is beneficial to America. Again, what exactly has he done in that regard?

I also think you are confused— the government is not GIVING anything to the rich. The rich are the ones that create wealth. It is NOT the governments wealth to give. In fact, quite the opposite is true. The rich give (involuntarily to be sure)to the government, not the other way around. The rich got that way almost universally by providing goods or services that the general population wants or needs. Steve Jobs got rich by building electronic devices that almost all of us use. Bill Gates got rich by developing software that runs most computer systems. Other people got rich by providing other items or services. Even those who inherit wealth are rich because SOMEBODY made something that people want or need.

Now government does have benefit to us all, but let’s not pretend that all who run government do so out of an altruistic desire to help those who don’t have much. People generally get into government because they want money and power, but are unable to get it from the private sector. How else do you explain the fact that politicians spend millions to campaign for a job that pays hundreds of thousands, but end up becoming millionaires by the time their political careers end? If you think Biden is any different from any other politician, you certainly are naive. He is in it for his own benefit; any appearance of caring for anyone else is just a ruse designed to gain political support. Originally Posted by Smarty1
Actually if you read through the lines I was being sarcastic. He is ALMOST as a big shit of shit like Trump. One pubic hair difference. We have him because of what we had and what was running.

You will not hurt my feelings when you talk of him. It bothers me the GOPers here brag Trump up that he fucked this country big time before he left. He was actually worst, and that is saying something.
Sorry my sarcasm detector must be broken. In fairness to me though, I have run into crazy leftists who post seriously and sound very similar to what you posted.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’m trying to figure out how Trump “fucked this country big time before he left”.