Any info on Allison

Seen her AD and I'm curious. Any info on her would be helpful.
She has been around for a long time. She is reviewed on here, some good, some not so good.
I have had good experience with her so far, I can recommend
CryptKicker's Avatar
I had some good experiences with her until I let my guard down, and she robbed me ... my fault for getting too comfortable with a provider, but her fault for being a thief.
joyote's Avatar
thievery & robbery

2 different crimes
Thanks for the English lesson ... just to be crystal clear ... she did a cash and dash ... better?
CryptKicker's Avatar
It does make a difference as to if she just took the money and ran or if she took personal property. Thanks for clarifying it.
joyote's Avatar
yes, that’s better. thx

robbery involves violence or intimidation (threat of violence)

cash & dash - not as bad, but…
heinous. not acceptable

I saw Alison a few times, some years back
I liked her, but
I quit going back to her
due to a bad vibe I was getting, like…
not taking care of herself,
and not bestowing proper value to the world around her
joyote's Avatar
thanks for telling about the cash n dash, marcham

sometimes, I actually think,
“maybe I should call Alison again”
and I don’t. but I almost do

your report will help me to resist that impulse
The teeth were pretty rough to try and ignore…that’s just something that matters to me though.