CPT Savajo's Avatar
The event starts tonight at 8pm ET on CNN. I believe the replay starts at 9pm or 10pm central time. I know most of you guys and gals will be watching Monday Night Football, but you should consider watching it!
waverunner234's Avatar
Bachmann will be toasted tonight
Over and done with, saves time in future debates
I'm watching now, they haven't asked Huntsman anything.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I have watched an hour of it so far- I like Paul's response his answers seem to come from the heart. I think Perry looked very nervous on the SS and "ponzi scheme" question. Bachman will be toast- it seems like her answer always has some kind of "bashing Obama" comment in order to get a rise out of the audience- same with Newt.
Huntsman appears very relaxed and has very good sensible answers-they need to get Santorum more questions- for a minute I forgot he was there- this debate is so much better than MSNBC's debate.
So right now I will give the edge to Paul and Huntsman- I want thank Paul for telling the American people how taxes has went up in Texas under Perry. Perry is the big loser to me- looks nervous and is talking too much like a "politician".
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-12-2011, 08:03 PM
I agree, Perry looks like he crapped his pants!
Indeed, Perry has some serious splainin' to do!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Ok I was kind of disturbed by a few things:
A) When the question was asked- who should pay for a person who refused health care and is intensive care- someone in the audience- yelled let him die- or some sort of reaction.
B) Ron Paul getting booed when he told the truth of why we were attacked- hey this may perhaps be difficult for the average American to believe, but Paul was right- Al-Queada and OBL were against the U.S because we have troops in Saudia Arabia and our support for Isreal and treatment of Palestinians - it had nothing to do with the fact that America has Democracy or freedom- those are the hard facts and Paul was speaking the honest truth- it took a lot of guts to say what Paul state, but nevertheless it was the truth.
C) I think Perry looked really bad and didn't loo Presidential at all- I had no idea that Perry granted tuition or financial aid to illegal immigrants- you could tell the TEA party was not happy with that idea.
D) I think Romney was the only candidate that mentioned helping the middle class and he got some boos from the crowd.
Overall, base on the reaction from the crowd- it's clear that the TEA is a very extreme group whose overall ideas and values don't represent mainstream America- which is a big reason why I think Obama will get re-elected.
waverunner234's Avatar
Most funny Ron Paul about his taxes under Perry
I like Huntsman, he's cool
Gingrich is boring
I heard some nice comments about Perry's lavish lifestyle, all on tax payer dollars. I wonder how he does that.
The more I hear and read about Huntsman's positions on the issues, the more I like him. I do not believe he has much chance to win the nomination but he is an interesting candidate.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Bachmann will be toasted tonight
Over and done with, saves time in future debates Originally Posted by waverunner234
I thought Bachman did alright, she survived in my book. She mentioned that she was the founder of the Tea Party Caucus but she's forgetting that all the credit goes to Ron Paul, the Godfather of the Tea Party.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
I have watched an hour of it so far- I like Paul's response his answers seem to come from the heart. I think Perry looked very nervous on the SS and "ponzi scheme" question. Bachman will be toast- it seems like her answer always has some kind of "bashing Obama" comment in order to get a rise out of the audience- same with Newt.
Huntsman appears very relaxed and has very good sensible answers-they need to get Santorum more questions- for a minute I forgot he was there- this debate is so much better than MSNBC's debate.
So right now I will give the edge to Paul and Huntsman- I want thank Paul for telling the American people how taxes has went up in Texas under Perry. Perry is the big loser to me- looks nervous and is talking too much like a "politician". Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
It was a better debate the what happened at the Reagan Library Debate, Wolf Blitzer was a bit more fair in distributing the questions instead of turning it into a Perry/Romney debate. But Wolf still didn't allow Ron Paul to answer the question on what he would do to the Federal Reserve, I thought that was bullshit because they know he is most likely the one who can fix this broken system.

Perry was getting grilled on Social Security being a Ponzi scheme. It's funny how he's now changing his viewpoint on the subject. He also got grilled on the question pertaining to forced gardasil shots from Bachman and Santorum. Bachman made Perry look like an ass on that subject, real bad! All Perry had to do was open his mouth and he's going to sink himself. I thought he was smarter than Bush Jr., apparently not. As far as the illeagal immigrants going to college in Texas, can you say free ride! Thats not going to sit well with college students in Texas who are natural citizens getting deeply in debt to go to college. The Bilderberg Group chose poorly in choosing Perry to represent their interests, I don't respect Perry for bowing down before the money masters to do thy masters bidding, "if" he gets elected and thats a big "if". Everyone of these debates for Perry are getting worse and worse.

Bachman had to mouth off that she was the founder of the Tea Party Caucus, she's forgetting that Ron Paul is the Godfather of the Tea Party Movement! He started it all and she wants credit like Al Gore wants credit for inventing the interent, give me a break! Romeny will be a pro Wall St. candidate, he used to own a hedge fund and he'll just continue the lives of the zombie banks in the U.S. and Wall St. bailouts. Perry would do the same thing, Bilderberg Group is all I need to say on that.

As far as Ron Paul getting booed, people in today's society just don't want to believe the truth. They think the easter bunny is for real, the tooth fairy exists, santa claus comes down every chimney, they think they don't have to build a retirement since social security will save them when their old, and the sky is purple when it's really blue. For Herman Cain not being a politician I thought he did alright from a businessman's perspective but I'm speculating on his 999 plan. It's going to be interesting to see what these politicians have to say for their CPAC speeches.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
It was a better debate the what happened at the Reagan Library Debate, Wolf Blitzer was a bit more fair in distributing the questions instead of turning it into a Perry/Romney debate. But Wolf still didn't allow Ron Paul to answer the question on what he would do to the Federal Reserve, I thought that was bullshit because they know he is most likely the one who can fix this broken system.

Perry was getting grilled on Social Security being a Ponzi scheme. It's funny how he's now changing his viewpoint on the subject. He also got grilled on the question pertaining to forced gardasil shots from Bachman and Santorum. Bachman made Perry look like an ass on that subject, real bad! All Perry had to do was open his mouth and he's going to sink himself. I thought he was smarter than Bush Jr., apparently not. As far as the illeagal immigrants going to college in Texas, can you say free ride! Thats not going to sit well with college students in Texas who are natural citizens getting deeply in debt to go to college. The Bilderberg Group chose poorly in choosing Perry to represent their interests, I don't respect Perry for bowing down before the money masters to do thy masters bidding, "if" he gets elected and thats a big "if". Everyone of these debates for Perry are getting worse and worse.

Bachman had to mouth off that she was the founder of the Tea Party Caucus, she's forgetting that Ron Paul is the Godfather of the Tea Party Movement! He started it all and she wants credit like Al Gore wants credit for inventing the interent, give me a break! Romeny will be a pro Wall St. candidate, he used to own a hedge fund and he'll just continue the lives of the zombie banks in the U.S. and Wall St. bailouts. Perry would do the same thing, Bilderberg Group is all I need to say on that.

As far as Ron Paul getting booed, people in today's society just don't want to believe the truth. They think the easter bunny is for real, the tooth fairy exists, santa claus comes down every chimney, they think they don't have to build a retirement since social security will save them when their old, and the sky is purple when it's really blue. For Herman Cain not being a politician I thought he did alright from a businessman's perspective but I'm speculating on his 999 plan. It's going to be interesting to see what these politicians have to say for their CPAC speeches. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo

CPT I agree- Paul gave answers what he believe was right- he didn't necessarily give the "politically" correct answers that Perry and Romney gave- Perry looked like a jackass- he wasn't believeable- especially on the issue of the HPV vaccinations- he knows damn well it was all about the $$$$- think bout Merck was the only company making that vaccine- think of the potential millions they were going to make- good job at Bachmann for exposing Perry.
However, Bachmann needs to stand on her own- nearly every comment she made she mentioned something about Obama just to get a rise out of the audience. If you noticed Ron Paul speaks what he has to say without trying to make "Obama" look like the boogey man.
I am sorry, but the GOP tactic of trying to blame Obama for this mess will not work in mainstream America.
Honestly, I would say overall Huntsman and Paul did the best- Paul getting booed for his stance on 9-11 was uncalled for- but keep in mind this was a crowd that "cheered" about the idea of letting a "sick" man die- that truly left a sour taste in my stomach- what has this country come to???? Again, for the last time- if any of these GOP candidates hopes to beat Obama- they are going to need a lot of "Independent" voters and from the response from this crowd- I doubt if independents will be flocking to any of them.
The real winner of the debate was Barack Obama!!!!
Perry does not have the luxury of ignoring the press while running for President. He certainly did so during his last campaign for Governor. During the past Governor's election he refused to meet with the editorial boards of the newspapers to answer questions. He also refused to debate Mayor White. The people of Texas shrugged their shoulders and gave him a free ride. American voters will not be so passive!

By running for President, Perry is now forced to explain his actions. Bachman scored a direct hit on the Merck connection to the HPV virus fiasco. In Perry's defense, it is better that topic came out now. It would have been a potentially fatal blow in the final months of the General election. It remains to be seen whether the issue will grow legs and eventually sink his Republican bid. But at some point in time, Perry was going to have to address this issue. It is better for Perry that it comes out now!

The best Perry can hope for would be for a naive public to consider it yesterday's news by the time the primaries begin! With Perry it is all about following the money trail. He has a long history of showing favoritism to his big donors and quite frankly that is exactly what occurred with Merck!

My prediction: Perry will be the 2011/2012 version of Rudy Giuliani. He created a splash when he entered the Republican field but at some point in time each and every candidate is forced to explain his/her decisions. Such revelations will ultimately lead to Perry's downfall. I do not believe Good Hair will be much of a factor in the Republican primary by years end!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-13-2011, 07:34 AM
I do not care why Perry wanted to give the HPV shot. I was the right thing to do. Then he backed down from doing it. That shot would have saved lives.

He looked bad overall. He is not used to being questioned as BT pointed out. He needs to fix that or he is sunk.
He looked bad overall. He is not used to being questioned as BT pointed out. He needs to fix that or he is sunk. Originally Posted by WTF
Perry's best chance to become President would be for Texas to secede from the United States at which point he might possibly become the President of the United State (singular) of Texas!

The guy is toxic to everyone other than the Tea Party faithful!