Link to write a review

  • Stebo
  • 09-12-2011, 08:56 PM
I want to write a review but can't find the like to start one. Where is it?
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I want to write a review but can't find the like to start one. Where is it? Originally Posted by Stebo
There should be two buttons at the top of the page with the review listings in whatever review forum you're posting (Independents, Agencies, Spa/Salon/Massage Parlors, etc.... Well, not at the very top, but underneath the ads right ahead of the listings). One says "New Thread" and the other says "New Review".

Click "New Review", and it opens up a form which makes the review process easy. Just make sure to make "The Rest of the Story" a bit more detailed than, "I had a great time; go see her".


JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Thanks, BCG - good answer!

vicinms's Avatar
If you're having trouble finding it, here's the link if it was an Independent MS provider!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Thanks, BCG - good answer!

JaG Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS
You know I have you covered when it comes to user interface issues here. LOL

