Cum guzzling lying sack o' shit crooked Ken Paxton is a fucking hypocrite

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Yesterday, a Texas House Committee recommended that state Attorney General Ken "Douchebag" Paxton be impeached and removed from office. Now Paxton says it's important to respect the will of voters. That must've been why he led a charge of Republican AGs to overturn the 2020 election, right?
This douchbag needs to go, I only hope they vote to impeach him today.
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The Cum guzzling lying sack o' shit got impeached
You know you’re a crooked republican when even other crooked republicans claim you’re crooked.
Kind of like those Democratic POS politicians in La.
  • Tiny
  • 05-28-2023, 11:11 AM
Kind of like those Democratic POS politicians in La. Originally Posted by golferguy55
Looking at this Wikipedia list from 2020 forward, twice as many Democratic politicians were convicted of crimes, a total of 44 Democrats and 22 Republicans,

And good for the Republicans for impeaching Paxton, even though he was one of their kind. They probably didn’t want to do it, any more than Gus wanted to hang Jake in Lonesome Dove. But it had to be done.
Looking at this Wikipedia list from 2020 forward, twice as many Democratic politicians were convicted of crimes, a total of 44 Democrats and 22 Republicans,

And good for the Republicans for impeaching Paxton, even though he was one of their kind. They probably didn’t want to do it, any more than Gus wanted to hang Jake in Lonesome Dove. But it had to be done. Originally Posted by Tiny
Yeah Paxton isn't the greatest example of an honest politician but take a look at the democrats list of crooked politicians all the way from Huey Long to Edwin Edward's. Guess that is what happens when you only look at one side of the coin .
  • Tiny
  • 05-28-2023, 11:58 AM
Yeah Paxton isn't the greatest example of an honest politician but take a look at the democrats list of crooked politicians all the way from Huey Long to Edwin Edward's. Guess that is what happens when you only look at one side of the coin . Originally Posted by golferguy55
I don’t know much about the men but suspect Paxton looks like a Boy Scout by the side of Huey Long and Edwin Edwards
I don’t know much about the men but suspect Paxton looks like a Boy Scout by the side of Huey Long and Edwin Edwards Originally Posted by Tiny

Paxton and the others are not glowing examples of Boy Scouts. But since 1b1 seems to be an expert on unethical Republicans in another state than he is let's just let him tell us how ethical his democrats are from his state. Let's let him start with Huey and go thru Edwin Edward's. What say you 1b1 or does this not fit into your political alignment?
Yeah, but now you got Republicans who say they're conservative and vote for shit
Paxton and the others are not glowing examples of Boy Scouts. But since 1b1 seems to be an expert on unethical Republicans in another state than he is let's just let him tell us how ethical his democrats are from his state. Let's let him start with Huey and go thru Edwin Edward's. What say you 1b1 or does this not fit into your political alignment? Originally Posted by golferguy55
I don’t know much about the men but suspect Paxton looks like a Boy Scout by the side of Huey Long and Edwin Edwards Originally Posted by Tiny
Yeah Paxton isn't the greatest example of an honest politician but take a look at the democrats list of crooked politicians all the way from Huey Long to Edwin Edward's. Guess that is what happens when you only look at one side of the coin . Originally Posted by golferguy55
Looking at this Wikipedia list from 2020 forward, twice as many Democratic politicians were convicted of crimes, a total of 44 Democrats and 22 Republicans,

And good for the Republicans for impeaching Paxton, even though he was one of their kind. They probably didn’t want to do it, any more than Gus wanted to hang Jake in Lonesome Dove. But it had to be done. Originally Posted by Tiny
There are no honest politicians in Louisiana, no matter what they claim to have as their political alignment.
But yet the fine citizens of La. keep electing this same kind of ilk. You would think by now they would know better. But seeing as how Forbes magazine lists the second most corrupt political state behind Mississippi. Ha maybe Salty could persuade Trump to run for governor. At least we in Texas impeach our politicians like Paxton unlike LA who just reelects theirs.
I dont believe the Texas politicians are any better. I lived there, they are pretty trash. You act as if impeaching Paxton is a big deal, it took his own corrupt buddies to finally determine it was enough. He has been under federal indictment for some time.
I dont believe the Texas politicians are any better. I lived there, they are pretty trash. You act as if impeaching Paxton is a big deal, it took his own corrupt buddies to finally determine it was enough. He has been under federal indictment for some time. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

You are correct and hopefully some of these charges catch up with Paxton as he is a POS. But at the same time politicians here in Texas are no where near as corrupt as LA. My father graduated from Tulane and then Tulane medical school and I am so glad he decided to open his practice here in Texas and not La.
... I actually hope the Paxton fellow survives the Impeachment.

I don't think HE is compromised by China.

#### Salty