Strip Club Music

Salutations gentlemen, hope all is well. I frequent Baby Dolls Dallas the most out of any club. I like it because I don't have to worry about my safety and I love me some blondes, but I must admit the music is subpar. There's been a few times where they played All Star by Smash Mouth. A total buzz kill.

What are some strip clubs that have good music? I like RnB or old school jazz/soul. Something like My Flame by Bobby Caldwell. I'm not expecting to find a club that has an entire Luther Vandross set, but something that is more sensual than county music or trap music. Any suggestions?
Dr_Womanyzer's Avatar
Salutations gentlemen, hope all is well. I frequent Baby Dolls Dallas the most out of any club. I like it because I don't have to worry about my safety and I love me some blondes, but I must admit the music is subpar. There's been a few times where they played All Star by Smash Mouth. A total buzz kill.

What are some strip clubs that have good music? I like RnB or old school jazz/soul. Something like My Flame by Bobby Caldwell. I'm not expecting to find a club that has an entire Luther Vandross set, but something that is more sensual than county music or trap music. Any suggestions? Originally Posted by TheSaltyShrimp
It is a white club which at one time featured an almost unanimously a white complement of strippers, and attracted a mostly white audience. The demographics of Texas have changed, nowhere more so than in the cities, where Hispanics have become the biggest group of people. As a result, there has been an increased infusion of the white looking Hispanic dancers in the ranks of the strippers there; though in recent weeks, it seems as if there has been a reversal and the strippers are looking more white. Then as now, there were barely any black strippers hired there. Correspondingly, the music you will hear is country and western or rock and roll. Every once in while they may throw in a traditional Cuban Rhumba song...
I can say for certain it is not Bucks Wild on Reeder which constantly plays the most downtrodden, povery-stricken, showing off high illiteracy rates thug rap - and the occasional reggaeton which is ok - but for the most part unless you crunk don't go to bucks....
BoneHome777's Avatar
Damn..... "Povery-Stricken, High illiteracy...thug rap"? Can it just be enough to say music you don't prefer, don't understand, or don't enjoy.
Day shift at clubs like Bucks and most of the Ricks clubs play a different set of music than nights. Day music is more likely to appeal to their older day customers. As it gets later, the customer get younger and the music changes a great deal.

Go to The Mens Club or The Lodge and its different music that appeals to a more affluet customer, even at night.

Reguardlless of if you like Baby Dolls music or not, it has been and continutes to be the most successfully club in DFW. They have not changed their music format in well over 20 years; Rock, Country, and some top 40 crossover. As long as they continue to dominatge, don't look for it to cahnge much.

Look at the ethinticy and age of a clubs customers and dancers and it's easy to predict the type of music they will play.

Interestingly, when I go to one club with some other, older regulars, they switch to old Rock and some country mixed in with the regular music because they know its what we like and we 4-5 are a big precent of their sales when we are there. Totaly diffrent when there are only a couple of us or its later at night.
butterfryman's Avatar
Haven't been to BDD in awhile, but went a ton since 1980 or so ha....

Everything is geared to selling booze - music included. So you might hear one sexy type song, but seldom more than 1 or 2 in a row. So you get a few dances, then order more drinks when a country song pops up. Lately I have no idea, but for a long time they were top 5 in booze sales in the nation - often #1, like $13-14 million or so.

I don't know Duncan personally - but everyone that does says he don't like black folks much, and was worried about attracting the gangster crowd. So forever he might have 100 girls working / maybe ONE light skinned black chick. Another reason for the country music (supposedly).
CG2014's Avatar
Duncan is gone. Rick's Inc owns Baby Dolls now. Rick's Inc is known for playing ghetto hip hop offensive racist rap music in their clubs and attracting such clientele.
Duncan is gone. Rick's Inc owns Baby Dolls now. Rick's Inc is known for playing ghetto hip hop offensive racist rap music in their clubs and attracting such clientele. Originally Posted by CG2014
True, and according to managemnet at BDD they are not touching the format there. And so far, this is true
Dignan's Avatar
If I don't hear- "Mama Cita, Mama Cita...." (not sure about spelling) about 3 times per visit I think something is wrong..... lol!
TomCollins's Avatar
I’ve observed on several occasions lately a “latin” couple upstairs (assuming Cuban/Mexican) that apparently didn’t like the music, so they are playing latin music on their phone with the volume cranked all the way up. What a classy place!

That place is on a slippery slope IMO.

The Lodge seems to be busier now that in recent times. TMC apparently has enough business to open on Saturday afternoons. Maybe the competition is sending some blood in the water, as bdd seems to be catering more and more to one demographic and ignoring others!
  • mb60
  • 06-07-2023, 09:25 PM
From what I understand Duncan is still around until it's all paid off.
From what I understand Duncan is still around until it's all paid off. Originally Posted by mb60
"Consultant", is typicaly what they call it
nobody_home's Avatar
Damn..... "Povery-Stricken, High illiteracy...thug rap"? Can it just be enough to say music you don't prefer, don't understand, or don't enjoy. Originally Posted by BoneHome777
to be fair, what that poster was referring to isn't "music"
its droning tones for the mentally retarded
I miss the Clubhouse.
phmzee's Avatar
Really not there for the music so do not really care! Only time I hear it is if a dancer says “ oh I like this song “