Senile Biden screwing hard working Americans YET AGAIN

berryberry's Avatar
Hope all you suckers who voted for the dementia addled fool enjoy paying more and getting less

Biden's Green Rules Mean Appliances Will Soon Cost More And Do Less, Experts Say

A pledge by the Biden administration in December 2022 to take “more than 100 actions” to impose significantly tighter environmental standards on consumer goods is now becoming reality, and consumer groups are predicting a future in which Americans pay more for products that do less, while manufacturers warn of shortages and supply chain breakdowns.

“You’re seeing, just in the last few months, new rules from the Biden administration about clothes washers, dishwashers, and other kinds of kitchen appliances, and in every case, you’re talking about a tightening of already very, very tight standards,” O.H. Skinner, executive director of the Alliance for Consumers, told The Epoch Times.

“That will make it so that nearly the majority of the current products on the market don’t meet the standards and have to be redesigned or removed from the market,” Skinner said. “Everyday things that people actually want are going to get more expensive or disappear, and the products that will be available will be more expensive but not better. People are going to wonder why life is worse.”

These new regulations (pdf) from the Department of Energy (DOE) come on top of new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emissions regulations on cars and electric utilities, and efforts to ban gas stoves, which critics say will have similar consequences in those industries. Many of these new regulations will be finalized by next year and would give manufacturers several years to comply.

In December 2022, the White House announced that “the Biden-Harris Administration has surpassed its goal to take 100 actions in 2022 to strengthen energy efficiency standards for a range of appliances and equipment to lower costs for American families.” The announcement touted 110 new regulations enacted by federal agencies on “everything from air conditioners and furnaces, to clothes washers and dryers, to kitchen appliances and water heaters—as well as commercial and industrial equipment.”

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bambino's Avatar
Just like electric cars.
When biden signed the executive order closing the Canadian oil pipeline ON HIS FIRST DAY IN OFFICE, the writing was on the wall and his message was clear ..... bend over America, for the next four years I'm going to fuck you every way I can .....
Precious_b's Avatar
No mention of toilets you have to flush umpteen times?