deal ...with it

Plastic Man's Avatar
plastic man here an ...plastic man ...always wills

...cause he loves yas all
winn dixie's Avatar
I feel safe now
plastic man here an ...plastic man ...always wills

...cause he loves yas all Originally Posted by Plastic Man
That's because the # of plastic you're made of is all worn out and unreadable. So nobody can figure out which recycle bin to throw you into.
The recyclers don't want him. Just put directly in the trash.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
must be washed before recycled

I'll pass... who wants ta wash him????
Plastic Man's Avatar
The recyclers don't want him. Just put directly in the trash. Originally Posted by discretefun
12 ...years zero an 35 posts withs ...many bein bout ...plastic man

...sad ...many such ...cases buts it be whys whens ...ya open the dictionary there dones be a ...pic a ...plastic man ta the definition a the word ...winning