What is your favorite aphrodisiac?

So ladies and gentlemen....
I was simply wondering, what is your favorite, aphrodisiac?
Well me personally, I Love friend oysters.
I will say that caviar, is also on my list.
However the oyster take presidence.

How about you?... What your favorite aphrodisiac?
Count me in with Oysters. And Hot Sauce. Not as hot on caviar, but if offered, I'll eat it.

Raw eggs...never.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The raw smell of masculinity. When it's standing right in front of me my knees go weak.

ANONONE's Avatar
Dark Chocolate--at least 70% Cacao. . .I bring if for all my ladies that take part in the GSO2 Experience.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Fine red Burgundy .
DallasRain's Avatar
Fine red Burgundy . Originally Posted by TexTushHog
At my age, wine makes junior go limp, not act as an aphrodisiac.
ed_mustafa's Avatar
Norman Love chocolate and Warre's vintage port. Nough said!
Cpalmson's Avatar
Whipped cream. There's just something erotic about it-- especially when watching a hot young lady eat or lick it.
TexTushHog's Avatar
At my age, wine makes junior go limp, not act as an aphrodisiac. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
For me, there's a bell shaped performance curved based on how much wine I've had. Up to a point, it makes me more amorous and last longer. But after about three glasses, the curve peaks and things start heading downhill.
Madame X's Avatar
Maybe it's just me, but the smell of cognac makes me *crazy*... delicious!

I also love oysters, but never really considered them an aphrodisiac in and of themselves. Although I have one fond memory of an evening spent throwing back oyster shooters while sitting at a gentleman's bar. Be sure, fun times followed!

~Mme X~
Sisyphus's Avatar
Everything listed so far works for me* but the alcohol obviously in moderation. A nice champagne can work as well as a nice glass of red...sometimes better!

Sushi works too. For some reason, a certain time of day can be quite the aphrodisiac as well!

* Except for the smell of dude, sorry Liz! NOW...the Scent of a Woman.... on the other hand.....& it is SO on!!!
Count me in with Oysters. And Hot Sauce. Not as hot on caviar, but if offered, I'll eat it.

Raw eggs...never. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I must agree, with you on the never, for the raw eggs.
I have had several chances, to try Sushi, but have not had, the right date.
This will be, like a life changing event.
Short min-skirt with tight body in it...works every time, no matter what!!!!!!!! oh and chocolate and a coke will make me dance on the table, for a guy, pretty funny
txhuggybare4u's Avatar
WOW a dripping wet pussy get's huggy going :-) mixed with moans and hip grinding now that is a a true aphrodisiac..... chocolate and whip cream is a fun mix also .....just the thought of it has got me worked up... Yummmy