OliviaAllenDSM's Avatar
Looks like an evaluation of me came through and poor Luis has been getting backhanded for it. Yes, I mentioned to him he could provide a review. This was in an effort to continually solidify I am a real person, not someone who is trying to scam you. Same reason I rarely require deposits, even if I am ponying up my own money for a room.

I have played with my amounts a lot since starting and have found the perfect balance between my career, life, and Olivia. I have a demanding career and busy life which means Olivia is the only type of 'dating' I allow and I don't have much time for Olivia as is. As stated on my ads and website, I prefer quality over quantity and value honesty. It's who I am and who I want to spend my time with. You have preferences your entitled to and so do I.

Please do note per my website, if your someone who wants to see me on a regular basis, as with any business, you spend time with those who value you and don't take advantage of you. Money isn't the sole reason for Olivia's existence. If you met me and got to know me, you would understand why Olivia existed and why I value the time I do spend with my suitors so much.

If I'm not for you, please see any of the other ladies around here who offer what works for you. Of those I've met and interacted with, they are all a treat and I'm always happy to give first hand information on ones I've personally met. Take this at face value or rip it apart. You do what makes you happy and so will I.

Take care and have a lovely weekend!
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 09-15-2023, 01:39 PM
30 year old milk? I think I'd be mad too if someone called me stale milk.