Linda at BDD

Any of you mongers seen my favorite Chinese dancer Linda at BDD lately? She’s a night girl. Thanks!
Eye Candy's Avatar
She was there a few weeks ago.
Good to know. I’ll keep looking for her at BDD. Thanks.
7Zark7's Avatar
I saw her last weekend, either Fri or Sat evening.
Eye Candy's Avatar
How old do you think she is?
My guess is about 50. Not a spring chicken, but has talent.
I go for Amy/Kylie as my sure thing in the Daytime and Linda for the night. If I dont feel like exploring new and trying to figure out what flies, these are my favs. I will say that Linda doesnt rush and will spend some time with you before going to the dances.
@ robekasp - I concuron assessment of Linda. She is a sweetheart that will take of you and wont rush you prior to dances. A rare gem these days. I ve known her for a ling time from the club as well.