What makes YOU special? :)

I thought I would toss this one out there! What is it that you enjoy and are really good at, besides the hobby ?! I made eggs benedict for lunch, and thats how I got this question in my head. I'm a pretty darn good cook, inside and out on the grill! Whats YOUR specialty?
For me its horses and dancing. I have rode horses for 8 years and even broke my own horse. He is my special baby And dancing has become my newest passion.
mittalman's Avatar
I have a dick and a job...
james4prez's Avatar
For me it's motivating people and encouraging them to go after their goals. I love speaking to people and trying to inspire them to do things that they would normally not do. May sounds corny but that's part of my job everyday and it's actually something I enjoy. I always say, they pay me to do this and the day this becomes a job is the day I am gone!
Great responses! Mittalman, bring your specialities and let me do MY job!
DallasRain's Avatar
What makes me special??? hmm good question....

Well,I can't cook...except for bbq meatloaf & king ranch casserole that kicks ass!!
{my SO will only eat MY meatloaf..not even his mom's is as good to him...lol}

My real speciality is I wear my heart on my sleeve...I love everybody[some more than others..lol}....and will try to do my best to help out if needed!
I'm a cool, bad ass bitch that can be a freak in bed and a classy companion in public. I can cook, I can pay someone to clean. I have a good heart and a dirty mind!
I love nature, animals, hiking, fishing & jogging... but thats all in my bio I think LOL

I like to make sure everyone at the party is happy!
Ya'll were talking about cooking, but I rarely get to cook for anyone, although I love it!!! I actually don't think I am really special. Don't get me wrong, we are all special in some way. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I believe unique qualities are as well. The hobbyists who choose to see me think there is something special about me. It is usually my tits or bbbj! That doesn't define special to me, nor does it define who I am. For now, it's being good at what I do and I will take it.

Again, I am light-hearted and don't take myself too seriously. I am having fun and making money. I like it.

I'm a cool, bad ass bitch that can be a freak in bed and a classy companion in public. I can cook, I can pay someone to clean. I have a good heart and a dirty mind! Originally Posted by heidilynnla
I'm a neat freak. Yet often times when I am cleaning up one thing I somehow make a mess of something else......

now that's pretty special.
You know that friend you go to when your incompetent ass can't figure out how you got a virus? I'm that guy...on call 24/7 to deal with the most ridiculous technology issues my friends and family can come up with.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
My specialty is reading people. I am a very good poker player, I do well with juries, and I can usually see the big picture and thought process quickly. I do not play poker on line because I lose that edge, I need to see the person and learn their motions and expressions, once I do, it is on.

I am a scholar, I read books continuously, always learning. I have read more poker books than I care to mention. I have read a lot of Civil War books lately as well.

I write as well, lol.
rogerdodger's Avatar
i write music.
Outdoorsman, sounds like you and I have a lot in common. Like you, I think of myself as a good poker player. I can see dead money from a mile away. Although I played a good bit of online poker, I did it because I thought of it as pot odds rather than reading a human. Combine the two, I think I have an edge.

I used to read a lot. I had an inescapable appetite for knowledge.

I also consider myself a good outdoors man. I love to watch, learn from and appreciate mother nature.
DallasRain's Avatar
in the hobby--I have a magic finger!!! lol

{In the personal life,I am a sweet kind hearted,loving,happy and one helluva wild & crazy chick...}

Heidi I love your boobies!!yummmm!