It’s been awhile… but Jen is back

Hey yall, it’s been awhile, ready for whatever is going on!

any suggestions on some fun ��


jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 01-06-2024, 09:33 AM
I remember you Jen. You're a beautiful lady. How about some pics as a reminder?
I'm game! What's up?
Chalk me up as intrigued as well….
You guys crack me up. Getting excited over a 14 month old post
You guys crack me up. Getting excited over a 14 month old post Originally Posted by hounddog
JFC! You’d think after getting my dick slapped with penalties for commenting on dated threads that I would look at the dates more closely.

Guess not….
JFC! You’d think after getting my dick slapped with penalties for commenting on dated threads that I would look at the dates more closely.

Guess not…. Originally Posted by ReubenShowalter
It's ok to bump as long as it is on topic and not a review...