Reviw Specials? Yay or Nay!

Star Hollowday's Avatar
Hello and I hope everyone is safe and warm! I am new to Eccie but not the lifestyle but I do know that being on a "review site" is a different kind of animal. I was just wanting to get the opinion of others on if review specials are wise and honored. Its crazy but not crazy lol how reviews are often needed for a gent to visit you but then a gent is hesitant to visit you with out reviews lol. This is totally understandable because I require referencs. So are review specials JUST TO GET ESTABLISHED NOT LONG TERM wise, thank you for any opinons
I don’t think it would be a bad idea, on a limited basis. It’s not that uncommon to see such specials offered from time to time.
1. Lower price and don't try to compete with other women.
2. Give better services than other women. Jaylowe is an excellent example of good service. The best in Dallas.
3. Ask clients to write positive reviews.
4. Advertise twice a day if you can.

It's that simple. Most women will never do this because it works. It's like a broken clock that can't be fixed. Remember, I can't give a positive review if I had a negative experience. If one guy writes a bad review, I will make other guys wonder if that woman is worth going to. Reviews can be extremely embellished and exaggerated in a positive way to boost the woman's clientele. I always give the most detailed, genuine, and honest reviews. No woman likes receiving a bad review. For example, DestinyJay doesn't like bad reviews. It twisted her universe. That's business. You're the product. You can give someone a 1 star or 5 five experience.

Review specials are fine, but they are unnecessary if you give him a good enough experience to write a review. Specials are discounts. If it was already a lower standard rate, a discount wouldn't be needed. Good service and positive reviews leads to growth. Most guys would be willing to write a positive review if you make them feel exuberant, wanted, and needed. Now, everyone else is going to come screaming at my comment as usual and banging their damn heads on their keyboards like Ren & Stimpy. I'm merely telling you the truth and giving my thoughts on it. I'm moving on. Good luck.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
There are lots of guys that take advantage of review specials and sometimes do not even do the review. Mostly because they are just cheap and will not see you again in the future no matter how fantastic your service was for them.

As dormGE said, if you do what you say you do in a ad and are what you say you are before seeing a client for the first time, then give excellent service, there is no need for a review special. Advertise a rate you can live with AND give service a client desires in a session and you will have a regular that continues to see you in the future. So whether they do a review or not, I guarantee you word of mouth will get around and you schedule will fill in no time.
TinMan's Avatar
I won’t see a gal just because of a review special. I will take advantage of one if it’s offered, but frankly I wouldn’t recommend tying a special rate to a review. Just offer the rate until you are no longer comfortable with it, then make adjustments if you’re getting more business than you can handle. Guys like me will write the review regardless, and the guys who say they will but won’t…well, you aren’t bickering with them about it, so your stress level ought to go down at least.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 01-14-2024, 11:19 AM
Reviews specials are great, nice thread
Star Hollowday's Avatar
Thank you all for commenting and voicing your opinions xoxo
ben dover's Avatar
Review specials are a Great idea! Wish I was closer.
Star Hollowday's Avatar
Review specials are a Great idea! Wish I was closer. Originally Posted by ben dover
Try it. If it brings you new clients and hopefully some reviews, its well worth it. If not, ok, try something else. I would not take more than $50 off. Or maybe a 90 minute for the price of 60. Be creative
Star Hollowday's Avatar
Try it. If it brings you new clients and hopefully some reviews, its well worth it. If not, ok, try something else. I would not take more than $50 off. Or maybe a 90 minute for the price of 60. Be creative Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
Thank you!
CKJAmore's Avatar
Sorry, chiming in here, a little late:
@Star Hollowday, you are right—it’s a catch 22 situation with the reviews, in the sense that reviews are needed for guys to visit you, but having reviews needs visits. But that’s only in the beginning.

It’s quite a good Marketing Strategy to offer Review Specials (RS); keep in mind, not all will honor their side of the deal, but you’ll probably get more visits.

If you don’t generalize their (people who took advantage of your RS, but didn’t do a review) actions to the entire set of Hobbyists here; and provide great service at a reasonable price point, eventually you will do well and your reputation will result in more good reviews automatically.

My advise (and I hope you don’t mind, because I don’t want to sound patronizing) is: offer excellent service with unerring consistency, at a fair price point, and you will succeed. End of the day, it’s better to be on quality boards like this, than on LC’s and Mega’s of the world. So you made the right choice being here; and welcome to this part of the Hobbyverse!

Personally, I found Review Specials made no significant material difference to me; I didn’t drastically save any more money. Conversely, you won’t drastically loose money by offering them. But, I always appreciate a Provider for making that effort to lower her price point, in return for something. I always did a review, especially if the service is good, and I never really cared for the small savings accrued from RS, but like I said, a Provider’s attitude behind offering RS appeals to me.

So, do it if you want to. Don’t get jaded if people don’t honor it. Good Karma accumulated from giving a great service, every single time, will give you amazing results in the long term.

Best to you!
pmdelites's Avatar
Star, you asked "... if review specials are wise and honored. ... So are review specials JUST TO GET ESTABLISHED NOT LONG TERM wise, ..."
reviews *can* help you get appointments, but like others said, in my hobby opinion, it will be your appt setting, location & incall, attitude, appearance, and activity skills that are going to help you keep clients.

my suggestion, if you offer review specials, dont give it in hopes they write a review. give them a discount on a 2nd visit. if you give it hoping they'll write a review, the probability is higher of *not* getting a review. if you give a 2nd visit discount, they might not review you and might not come back if they didnt like your overall performance, but at least you wont be out the discount.

be you. under promise, over perform.

good luck!
TinMan's Avatar
While a lower rate, whether it be tied to a review or just a reduced “introductory” rate, may get me to pull the trigger, a “discount on the second visit” won’t. We may not hit it off the first time, or you may move on before I get a chance to take advantage. It doesn’t move the needle at all for me.
corona's Avatar
While a lower rate, whether it be tied to a review or just a reduced “introductory” rate, may get me to pull the trigger, a “discount on the second visit” won’t. We may not hit it off the first time, or you may move on before I get a chance to take advantage. It doesn’t move the needle at all for me. Originally Posted by TinMan
can't emphasize this enough.