Most expensive BJ

BlondeLexi's Avatar
Real talk: How many men that’ve ever been arrested/caught in a sting actually screened with the posing provider? Go ahead…. I’ll wait.
Anyway, now he/cop ended up paying $5K for a bj that he never received.

On the other hand: “Why do I, as a married man (not our fault you got married) that holds an important job (we don’t care how important or how much you make if you’re not tipping), have to screen with an escort? Don’t you know my privacy is more important than your life.” Tell that to this late woman’s son…see how far you get.
While screening isn’t 100% foolproof it’ll still aid L.E. in finding the perp much faster than someone who visited anonymously.

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ben dover's Avatar
Wow on both counts.
lilylivered's Avatar
Investigation will be shortened probably if she is a sex worker.
They dont seem to care.
been told theres a huge percentage pf
the hundreds of thousands military aged
SINGLE ... "asylum seekers" that
cannot get enough of screening before
the sexy time...
elghund's Avatar
been told theres a huge percentage pf
the hundreds of thousands military aged
SINGLE ... "asylum seekers" that
cannot get enough of screening before
the sexy time... Originally Posted by JONBALLS
I hear they don’t charge for overnights……

I hear they don’t charge for overnights……

elg….. Originally Posted by elghund
nope im sure they will be showing up on your, mines and all these suburban karens that voted them in... well hopefully there will be some reaping and sowing with any luck
elghund's Avatar
nope im sure they will be showing up on your, mines and all these suburban karens that voted them in... well hopefully there will be some reaping and sowing with any luck Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Maybe there are some cute ones who can’t do math yet, and think that $50 is like $500……..
