Safety with 411 clients

mtabsw's Avatar
A UTR friend is interested in joining 411, but is getting cold feet about personal safety.

I told her I had never heard of a 411 client doing any kind of bodily harm, robbery, rape etc

ECCIE is pretty much the only information site I use so just wanted to poll y'all about this - there aren't too many providers on the site these days, but I'd like to hear from providers about this.

Thanks in advance

Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Nothing is 100%, and p411 has lost a great deal of its luster since Gina sold it, but the one thing that has not changed is, a provider can look at a hobbyist's okays and contact the ladies who he has seen BCD, as opposed to him giving the reference info himself, which COULD be another phone number he owns. Now, there are some providers who have said in the past that an okay does not mean a good time was had, but just means the client showed up to the appointment he made, he paid the proper donation and respected her time and person. But the question is, what more should an okay be other than he was okay?

A couple more good things about p411 for guys are that they can fill out their profile and the providers can see what he likes in a session he pays for, which will weed out unwanteds from both sides and the biggest one for me is that instead of using what is said from other guys and providers he has not seen or even contacted for a session about a guy on the boards is that the account he has on p411 speaks louder than that noise.
shooter6.5's Avatar
I believe that the Coyote gave a good quick accurate response. If your friend is uncomfortable with 411 then she certainly will be uncomfortable with any other site. 411 is as good as it can be, but as coyote stated and I have stated several times NOTHING is 100% safe.
I agree with the above and would add i use P411 for 99% of all my requests. If they are not on P411 i most likely will not see them. It does limit my choices but better safe than sorry. I started back in 2013.

Nothing is 100% safe.
Silven's Avatar
P411 is a Go For me,
I Blocked over 400 Profiles that i dont find Interesting for me
so i Only See what i consider booking and Visiting providers as well,
but yeah nothing is 100%
ahab11's Avatar
There are many providers in the DFW area who only take P411 Clients and their only presence to the Hobby is via P411. They appear to be doing OK financially.
TexTushHog's Avatar
A shame Gina has moved on, but the concept is very sound. If it’s gone downhill in Amy way, I’m not aware of it. It’s an essential resource, I think.
TinMan's Avatar
Count me along with the others in saying no screening service or method is 100%, but I’ve yet to hear of one better than p411.
CKJAmore's Avatar
I agree with everyone about P411 being safe enough, though no site is 100%. Also if a Provider cross checks clients from P411 to see if they have presence/contributions on ECCIE, or OH2 or PP, it increases the safety probabilities. Same the other way round for guys: cross checking increases the confidence factor in a Provider. Not everyone (for both Providers and Clients) is on all sites, but if they are, bonus points.

Also to add: WEC point about ability to see Profiles and the Likes and Dislikes, is on dot. Some of the best meets I had was when a Provider has taken the time to read my Profile, and catered to my preferences. It’s a sign of professionalism.
TinMan's Avatar
I suggest guys also review their own profiles periodically. I’ve gone back and looked at mine not too long ago and realized enough has changed in my life that a lot of things I looked for 5+ years ago are no longer at the top of my list.
KellyKiss's Avatar
P411 is generally safe, I did have one incident from a Dallas guy I met on there. Everyone has their own mind so not every session is the same. She should probably do reference checks if she feels sketchy. But definitely not a guarantee that he is cool just because he’s p411. You should still do some screening. Better safe than sorry
pmdelites's Avatar
P411 is generally safe, I did have one incident from a Dallas guy I met on there. ... Originally Posted by KellyKiss
care to elaborate, as i think that's what mtabsw's friend would be interested in hearing about (perhaps she might want to communicate w/ you?)

especially if it was about personal safety.
and while 1 is too many, what % of all you've visited or had visited you was that one guy?
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Gents be sure to update OKAYS each time you see a provider or repeat with a provider. This makes screening for us a lot faster.

I had 3 guys in Houston who didn't want okays updated as they say they don't do this that much lol so one guy I had to rescreen myself as he didn't have any okays updaeted in a year and this can take time.
NuruGuru's Avatar
Gents be sure to update OKAYS each time you see a provider or repeat with a provider. This makes screening for us a lot faster.

I had 3 guys in Houston who didn't want okays updated as they say they don't do this that much lol so one guy I had to rescreen myself as he didn't have any okays updaeted in a year and this can take time. Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
I think I have like 2 "Okays" on P411 from god knows how long ago because I don't really use it...... Not to mention, I travel a lot and a lot of the places I go do not use it either.. So that's not helpful lol. If my two OKAY's aren't good enough, I'll find someone else lol.
KellyKiss's Avatar
care to elaborate, as i think that's what mtabsw's friend would be interested in hearing about (perhaps she might want to communicate w/ you?)

especially if it was about personal safety.
and while 1 is too many, what % of all you've visited or had visited you was that one guy? Originally Posted by pmdelites
From my experience from P411, he was the only bad seed. Gina took care of it for me. He was an older gentleman mabye not in his right state of mind and yes my safety was in jeopardy. I joined P411 in 2012. So I’d say that’s a pretty satisfactory ratio of good to bad clients. I’ve had other bad experiences but not from p411. Now I screen better and cater to more upscale clientele to lower those risks.