Cunts on Seeking Arrangements and the idiots who support them

CG2014's Avatar
Have you tried SA? I’ve gotten a ton of great young pussy all over the country through that site. It is literally the best thing since, well …… hot young pussy!
Plenty of scammers no doubt. Lots of pros just utilizing another platform to turn tricks (not that there is a damn thing wrong with that). But also a plethora of young innocent pussy looking to monetize the cooch for the very first time. With a little practice and patience it’s not real difficult to sort out which is which.
Hobby on!
Massagejunkyie69's Avatar
Yeah, I've been very successful on SA, even through 2 bannings. LOL. Now on Secret Benefits, I've been pretty successful as well.
It just takes some work to weed through the scammers and those with GPS.

I will agree with CG2014, guys that give girls money for simply being eye candy deserve to get what they get. You can't blame the girl in the video for getting what she can get, but the guys could have simply said "no".

I had a POT do that to me once. We went on several platonic dates, she was being coy, but no matter to me, I even suggested we needed to make sure we were compatible. We discussed an amount of about 800 for about 3 visits a month. She's finally ready to close the deal, sends me all kinds of sexy texts, telling me what she wants to do to me.

Then the day of our date, she meets me at the hotel, we have some drinks and dinner, then head up to my room. We wind up on the bed and that's when she hit me with "I want 3000/month whether we can see each other or not". I told her "that's 36k per year for what will essentially be 3 visits a month". I stood up, walked her to the door while telling her "no, I'm not going to agree to that" and then escorted her out of the hotel. . I never saw her again.

so there's no reason for guys to put up with that unless they have a medical reason for not having sex and they just enjoy the company of pretty young women. Otherwise, they need to stick to their guns and not give an allowance unless intimacy is provided. (at least that's my opinion for what its worth).
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 02-28-2024, 10:28 AM
Watch this: Originally Posted by CG2014

Is walking backwards a thing now?
She was walking back all of her lies so they wouldn't count
I just joined Secret Benefits…How do you weed out the fakes vs the real ones? Anything I need to know?
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 03-07-2024, 08:55 PM

The verbal foreplay is really constructive
Slave Guinevere's Avatar

The verbal foreplay is really constructive Originally Posted by Busty
Busty.. made me CACKLE!! THANK YOU!!LOL 😂

I'm watching the men in San Antonio BRAG about taking advantage of poor women who don't have money for GAS or FOOD on these two sites and LOW BALLING LADIES SOOOO..

Glad some of the YOUNGUNS are GIVING AS GOOD as some as the NON ETHICAL MEN ARE TRYING TO DISH..😈😉

And before yall jump my OLD TUCKUS..I play fair with my time and my prices and I always have...I love you boys but I have to admire the YOUNG LADIES for fighting

Your amused slave,

I just joined Secret Benefits…How do you weed out the fakes vs the real ones? Anything I need to know? Originally Posted by JimINDallas81
if they have anything about being a sugar baby in their profile they are just out for the money
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
if they have anything about being a sugar baby in their profile they are just out for the money Originally Posted by BossyWillson
So... Ms. Bossy..

When, I asked Dickemdown to take me to the CANDY SHOP are you saying that I was sending MIXED SIGNALS?

I'M so glad that we are having this discussion because we made a VIDEO and everything but now, I feel like I may have MISLEAD this poor man..


Who says that OLD HOS can't learn? 😉