A booming economy, everyone had more money, no new wars

oilfieldace's Avatar
Yeah I see why one would hate that. It’s coming back 1/25, hold on
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yeah I see why one would hate that. It’s coming back 1/25, hold on Originally Posted by oilfieldace
What is wrong with your glasses?!? It IS a booming economy if you don't include things that you actually purchase right now.
oilfieldace's Avatar
What is wrong with your glasses?!? It IS a booming economy if you don't include things that you actually purchase right now. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Not sure what you are accusing me of, i know the things I buy right are at least 25% higher than 3 years ago
People forget that Obama was handed the bush Jr economy (worst recession since the depression)and the orange clown was handed the Obama economy (greatest economy recovery on record). Then the orange clown screwed up the economy again!!!
Biden now has the recovery going hard and heavy
If we people with money would stop spending so much inflation would go way down.

Its not rocket science (except to mega nuts). It's just the facts for smart people
Any objective measure shows that the economic improvement and growth from the start of the Obama economy to the end of it far outstrips the Trump economy. All Trump did for the first 3 years was not fuck up what Obama handed him. Then when Trump had to make actual decisions he fucked the economy up. Biden tool the shit economy handed to him by Trump and has had better growth and % reduction in unemployment than Trump ever had.

Trump ain't worth shit.
Any objective measure shows that the economic improvement and growth from the start of the Obama economy to the end of it far outstrips the Trump economy. All Trump did for the first 3 years was not fuck up what Obama handed him. Then when Trump had to make actual decisions he fucked the economy up. Biden tool the shit economy handed to him by Trump and has had better growth and % reduction in unemployment than Trump ever had.

Trump ain't worth shit. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

WRONG, you ain't objective about anything.

The economy was already in recovery mode when Obama took office via Congressional action after the election and before he was sworn in. Obama's recover was the slowest ever after deep recession because of his wrong economic policies.

Bidennomics is failing most people in the United States. Proof is Target's worse earnings than expected and Credit Card Debi increasing dramatically. Along with Credit Card default rates.

The only people benefiting from Bidenomics are the Rich people that get interest income from savings accounts.
eyecu2's Avatar
Not sure what you are accusing me of, i know the things I buy right are at least 25% higher than 3 years ago Originally Posted by oilfieldace
What specific "things" that are 25% higher currently than 3 yrs that you buy?
eyecu2's Avatar
People forget that Obama was handed the bush Jr economy (worst recession since the depression)and the orange clown was handed the Obama economy (greatest economy recovery on record). Then the orange clown screwed up the economy again!!!
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
a couple things to note. Obama inherited a ton of shitty things. A housing bubble, a failure of banks and mortgage backed securities with limited if any oversight, a failing auto industry, and the subsequent consolidation of that, and the need to stimulate an economy that was on the doorstep of depression.
Remember all the over-mortgaged homes throughout the country especially in the RED STATE of Florida? Fucking mansions that were being sold at 30% of prior sales rates. Exactly the opposite of what's happening currently. Too much debt on unsecured or over-secured properties. (exactly how trump has made his money both in leveraging, and in buying up properties when they are in distress. but that's for another topic).

Also- Obama brought healthcare to the forefront of everyday americans = securing the right to access of it. NOT free and not gouging, but atleast access to it. Forcing insurance companies to stop only insuring healthy people and telling sick or folks with issues to fuck themselves. He held ppl accountable.

That's what democrats do. -

What did Trump Bring?

Anarchy in Washington,
politcal polarization
Corona virus on our shores
2 impeachments due to strong arming people/ countries.
a failed second presidential bid.
No repeal or replace
Nothing but a tax write off for the rich ppl.

Democrats aren't perfect by any means and yes the border and immigration needs fixed. BUT saying you do it by EO,doesn't get it funded. It just makes it legal. The power of the purse has always been in congress and without legislation to fix it, it will never be done correctly or funded wisely.
  • Trump has no plan.
  • Trump has one goal.
  • TRump MUST win to stay out of jail.

That's why he's running. -he has no new ideas or ways to fix anything that's broken in washington.
What specific "things" that are 25% higher currently than 3 yrs that you buy? Originally Posted by eyecu2

almost everything from insurance to cars to fuel to appliances.
almost everything from insurance to cars to fuel to appliances. Originally Posted by farmstud60
eyecu2's Avatar
Insurance prices are simply rising because of all of the claims from hurricanes and other natural disasters. Gasoline is a global commodity and is priced related to supply and demand - so that leaves us with appliances. What specific appliance do you think has a direct tie back to political policies and influence ? Gas stoves??

And let's assume, that scaremongering has increased the price of a gas stove by $100. How many times do you go out and actually buy a gas stove?

I've lived in the same house for 20 years and bought exactly one.

But I would love to hear the details of the appliance debacle caused by Joe Biden and the Democrats.
oilfieldace's Avatar
almost everything from insurance to cars to fuel to appliances. Originally Posted by farmstud60

Food and fuel are not included in the 3% inflation Biden is talking about AT ALL
oilfieldace's Avatar
Insurance prices are simply rising because of all of the claims from hurricanes and other natural disasters. Gasoline is a global commodity and is priced related to supply and demand - so that leaves us with appliances. What specific appliance do you think has a direct tie back to political policies and influence ? Gas stoves??

And let's assume, that scaremongering has increased the price of a gas stove by $100. How many times do you go out and actually buy a gas stove?

I've lived in the same house for 20 years and bought exactly one.

But I would love to hear the details of the appliance debacle caused by Joe Biden and the Democrats. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Did all what you espoused, there when Trump was President? Demand for a lot of folks because they don’t have the funds to purchase.
WRONG, you ain't objective about anything.

The economy was already in recovery mode when Obama took office via Congressional action after the election and before he was sworn in. Obama's recover was the slowest ever after deep recession because of his wrong economic policies.

Bidennomics is failing most people in the United States. Proof is Target's worse earnings than expected and Credit Card Debi increasing dramatically. Along with Credit Card default rates.

The only people benefiting from Bidenomics are the Rich people that get interest income from savings accounts. Originally Posted by farmstud60
More incorrect fact-free bullshit from you. As usual. You spout shit you likely don't even understand.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
More incorrect fact-free bullshit from you. As usual. You spout shit you likely don't even understand. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
This statement is meaningless and puerile when it comes with no disputation of the post it’s attempting to criticize.