Poll for President

On November 1, 2024 will the choices for President will be Trump for Republicans and Biden for Democrats?

a Yes
b No
DNinja69's Avatar
Highly unlikely that Trump gets booted off the ticket if there was something that big lurking around it would have seen the light of day by now.

Biden was pretty chipper during the SOTU so he bought himself some time thought Dems are most likely still exploring alternatives behind the scenes.

I think its Trump v Biden II the shitshow will be televised!
Biden was hyped up on something for the SOTU, (Staff edit)

I don't know what they will try, but I am pretty sure one if not both of them will be off the ballot by then.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why is this AD in the political forum?

Or any forum for that matter?
biomed1's Avatar
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eyecu2's Avatar
I think Trump will likely still be on the ticket, but heavily damaged due to upcoming court cases, and a lack of motivated voters...

I think the DEMs will have a change of ticket by end of June. I think it'll end up being Biden but not Harris with him. I got a feeling she's going to get elbowed out - and another person comes in to replace her. Just a gut feeling