Mercianna-no call, no show

Date: 09-22--2011
Provider: Mercianna
Phone: (903)209-6537
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website:
City: Mckinney
State: Texas
Address: Hotel off 75 in Allen
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: None
Session Length: N/A
Fee: N/A
Hair Length and Color: N/A
Age: N/A
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: N/A
The Rest of the Story: Made appointment or incall on 09-22-11.She texted me confirming 11am appointment room307 & address.didn't show up ontime.Called twice no response.Didn't want to write a negative review cos she was nice & accommodating making appt. Thought i would wait to hear her side.Never received explanation.So, i emailed.This is the response i got"I am also a single mom and had a situation come up with my child that I couldn't avoid. I wasn't a no show because I had not set an actual time and place. If you couldn't get hold of me that day that means I had something come up. I do have a life besides this. My kid comes first no matter what. "
I agree her view n kids,but you should notify that to the client if you care about what you do..& she did confirm the appoinment & gav location & room #.
]Recommendation: No
Please read the sticky at the top of the forum. NC/NS is NOT a review. Nothing happened. Write a thread in CO-ed instead.Moved to coed. ladies are free to respond
KittyLamour's Avatar
In my defense...I never spoke to him on the phone...He never set up a time or date...he can't reach me on the phone when he decides to see me...then calls it a ncns. OK...I am a single mom and have a life outside the hobby as we all do...If you set an appointment I will do everything in my power to work my schedule around your appointment. If you do not set an actual appointment there is no appointment I have no obligation and therefore this is not a ncns. Thank u Bubba for moving this to coed.
BigPurdy's Avatar
So when these are moved is ROS then publicly viewable?

TheDuck's Avatar
In my defense...I never spoke to him on the phone...He never set up a time or date... Originally Posted by mercianna
oops, nevermind!
Bestman200600's Avatar
Miscommunication is a common problem in the hobby. Confirm, Confirm, Confirm. Ladies have a lot going on in their life and things happen at the last minute.
BigPurdy's Avatar

That was the point of my question. She may not see that.

TheDuck's Avatar
I assumed there is no reason to move it to coed and hide ROS, since it's now essentially a regular post, just written in the review format. Maybe I'm wrong about that though...if so, it's a curious system!
BigPurdy's Avatar
I'm relatively sure that ROS content is still not viewable without PA.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
It's not viewable, making it impossible for the lady in question to actually reply to the comments made.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I'm relatively sure that ROS content is still not viewable without PA. Originally Posted by BigPurdy
I can confirm that. Big flaw in the system bubba, as I see it. I don't give a rat's ass about the ROS in a NC/NS review but I think we can all agree the accused deserves to see it.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Edited to remove ROS comments...
TheDuck's Avatar
Edited my post, as I now understand that was not public info... crazy, but at least now we have identified a flaw in this system.
BigPurdy's Avatar
That was my point Duck. You said exactly what I wanted to and I actually had typed it in a reply and realized it was ROS info. Without that, this only becomes a pissing contest.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I did the same...