Done with BDD where to next?

I’m done with BDD for multiple reasons. Give me your go to club, I need something fresh and new.
Following, also on the same boat.
lol, I’m glad you posted because I’m looking for a change too. But, my change was going to be that I give bbd a fresh try. Now, I’ll rethink lol
at least a few reasons why, besides the Cubans lol we all know thats on the list
henryroscoe's Avatar
I’m in the same boat because drama from a dancer(from islands) but not sure there really is another option during daytime.
I’m in the same boat because drama from a dancer(from islands) but not sure there really is another option during daytime. Originally Posted by henryroscoe
I was there yesterday. “Security” lady in parking lot tried to sell me gift cards!! Thought about telling manager but didn’t bother.
henryroscoe's Avatar
Anyone tried the new xtc daytime shift?
I was expecting for that to be dead probably
Day or night shift?
TomCollins's Avatar
The Lodge has become my bdd replacement. It’s very hit or miss, and you have to sort thru a lot of dancer bs. But there are some definite winners there that are great to spend time with.

It’s not for everyone, but it’s worth a shot.

There are about 6 girls left at BDD that I’ll get dances from. As much as I hate the direction BDD is taking, they seem to be making more money than ever so I can’t say it’s “wrong”.
The Lodge has become my bdd replacement. It’s very hit or miss, and you have to sort thru a lot of dancer bs. But there are some definite winners there that are great to spend time with. Originally Posted by TomCollins
What do you mean by hit and miss? Any dancers you recommend?
I'm pretty generous with my tipping and even i feel like i go overbudget at The Lodge. really pretty gals but have never gotten more than an expensive bump and grind. suppose im all "miss" there.
I know this isn't the goal of most of y'all, but Silver City in Dallas has become my "chill" spot when I want to hang out and enjoy the view. Have had some fun encounters there but not what this thread is really looking for. nice mix of girls. I usually dont see more than one cuban there anytime i go.
CL has some OTC potential if ya got the game/coin. but youre really embracing the cuban wave if ya go there.
tip your waitresses and bathroom attendants fellas.
I'm pretty generous with my tipping and even i feel like i go overbudget at The Lodge. really pretty gals but have never gotten more than an expensive bump and grind. suppose im all "miss" there.
I know this isn't the goal of most of y'all, but Silver City in Dallas has become my "chill" spot when I want to hang out and enjoy the view. Have had some fun encounters there but not what this thread is really looking for. nice mix of girls. I usually dont see more than one cuban there anytime i go.
CL has some OTC potential if ya got the game/coin. but youre really embracing the cuban wave if ya go there.
tip your waitresses and bathroom attendants fellas. Originally Posted by Ohthatguy
Nah feel free to share some of those silver city nuggets of knowledge.
  • rcusa
  • 05-19-2024, 04:44 PM
I would have said Lipsticks, but that is going low-mileage for a while following an incident. Seems like FW is the place, with Bucks and Flashdancers.
I’ve never been to Silver city but I think that’s going to be my first stop. I’m not a fan of driving all the way to Fort Worth so want something more local to Dallas.
What put me over the edge is I had a weird encounter with what I believe was a pimp of some of these girls. By the way, I speak fluent Spanish.