The hypocrisy of "bullying"...

rooster's Avatar
Ol' roo wants to continue to highlight the massive bullshit about one partikular topic:

Trump and the Trumpettes pissing and moaning about being "bullied" and "persecuted." They don't like being called names or told they are "wrong."

Cry me a mutherfukkin river....

You worship a man who has made these topics mainstream. It is his SOP that he learned from unbelievably corrupt tyrants like Roy Cohn, and that he now encourages from everyone who supports him.

Y'all want it both ways. You want Trump and his lackies to be able to use every despicable and rude tactic they can think of to disparage, denigrate and delegitimize their foes. But then you can't fucking take it when someone stands up to you using those same tactics and language.

You ain't getting away with that any more. There's a few of us who are calling out your hypocrisy in that regard. More will join in, I have a li'l faith left.

Trump's behavior in so many ways is hurting us all. But the way he has degraded legitimate discourse and common decency are by far the worst part of it.

This is what populists do, geniuses! And they have throughout history. Which you have fucking paid NO attention to.

You cry about the "vengeance" being heaped upon Trump, the "lies" being told about this "very innocent man" (though a jury said otherwise). Yet you celebrate the divisive rhetoric that he and the rest of the New American Wehrmacht use when they talk about the havoc that they are going to wreak on their foes once they goose-step their way back down Pennsylvania Avenue.

You really should consider the moral issues of this. Plain and simple.

But if that is beyond you, then be warned: the more you talk shit and lies, the more some of us are gonna call you out. And we are gonna use your tactics. FUCK this idea of "don't sink to their level." Graveyards are fulla idiots who "took the high road" while their society was being taken apart by those who claimed that they were the only ones who could save them. And to use a phrase newly popular..."This could happen to any of you!"

Be ashamed. Be very ashamed. Your grandchildren sure are gonna be...f they don't avoid talkin about you altogether ("it is soooo awkward when someone brings up Grandpa these days! I wish they wouldn't..")

Ol' roo may be on an enforced Bancation by the time you read this. Sumthin silly about "rudeness" or some such. Laffable, considering the topics I'm gettin dinged for. BUT...I will accept the consequences of my actions, unlike others who have been judged GUILTY by their peers in recent days.

I don't kid myself. Few will miss me. Many will take small satisfaction that I was "held responsible" for my name-calling and criticisms (more laffable).

Bein unpopular for saying things like this will be an honor.

And...if I ain't around for a bit...why...this could really be fun! JB can post some snarky, hard to understand non-sequiters...and maybe make kewl implications about the mental health of others (most laffable of all). Some could repeat the lies about how they KNOW that Biden controlled the NY prosecutions. And liverspots could say a profound thing or two about....well, prolly nuthin that makes sense ackshully....

Time ta fuck some whores, maybe. Stay horny, mutherfukkers!

But feel...worse..

“ Bein unpopular for saying things like this will be an honor.”

Now you’re sounding like Trump lol

Damn dude, I’ve got some anti anxiety meds that I generally don’t share, but sounds like you really could use some.

Just a FYI…I was the one beating up the bullies on the playground growing up. Hated those phuckers!

I certainly get the arguments against Trump, the extreme hate and disdain for him.

But, I do think we all should consider how corrupt the Biden family is as well. When considering one side of an argument…and being honest with yourself, you truly do need to fully consider the other side as well.

Hate does not make for a truthful argument, facts on both sides do. But…you have to have the balls to look yourself in the mirror, put aside the hate, and consider all sides.

Biden is as corrupt as any politician in DC. How he’s survived this long is beyond me. Even in his best days, the man was a complete fucking idiot, has lied about many things including his education and family background. Plagiarism has been a large part of his life and has flip flopped on every damn issue in politics depending on what works for any given day.

All I’m saying is, I get it…many folks hate Trump. But Biden? He’s a POS as well. And now looks like…and sounds like…the walking dead.

Damn dude, I’ve got some anti anxiety meds that I generally don’t share, but sounds like you really could use some. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Cocos Construct
“ Bein unpopular for saying things like this will be an honor.”

Now you’re sounding like Trump lol

Damn dude, I’ve got some anti anxiety meds that I generally don’t share, but sounds like you really could use some.

Just a FYI…I was the one beating up the bullies on the playground growing up. Hated those phuckers!

I certainly get the arguments against Trump, the extreme hate and disdain for him.

But, I do think we all should consider how corrupt the Biden family is as well. When considering one side of an argument…and being honest with yourself, you truly do need to fully consider the other side as well.

Hate does not make for a truthful argument, facts on both sides do. But…you have to have the balls to look yourself in the mirror, put aside the hate, and consider all sides.

Biden is as corrupt as any politician in DC. How he’s survived this long is beyond me. Even in his best days, the man was a complete fucking idiot, has lied about many things including his education and family background. Plagiarism has been a large part of his life and has flip flopped on every damn issue in politics depending on what works for any given day.

All I’m saying is, I get it…many folks hate Trump. But Biden? He’s a POS as well. And now looks like…and sounds like…the walking dead. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Biden crime family? Biden = Trump? Not even close.

Thanks for…your “opinion”

Thanks for…your “opinion” Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Thank you FB. To quote a line from Gone With the Wind, "I perceive Sir that you are a gentleman and a scholar, you drink good liquor and are a ladies man."
rooster's Avatar
...JB can post some snarky, hard to understand non-sequiters...
. Originally Posted by rooster
Cocos Construct Originally Posted by JONBALLS
This is just too fuckin easy...

rooster's Avatar

Thanks for…your “opinion” Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Thank you FB. To quote a line from Gone With the Wind, "I perceive Sir that you are a gentleman and a scholar, you drink good liquor and are a ladies man." Originally Posted by brasil
Agreed. We would all have drinks and let brasil entertain us with stories of fantastical chocolate whores, if not for complications of distance. JB wouldn't unnerstand...but will no doubt respond..
