They lied to you

berryberry's Avatar
Excellent article about how the leftists lied


The corporate media, whose 21st-century raison d'être is propping up the Regime Party (Democrats) and punishing the Deplorable Party (Republicans), often joins the fray. The Russia-collusion delusion disinformation operation was laundered by Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign to seedy "intelligence" firm Fusion GPS and law firm Perkins Coie LLP. For years, the corporate media then dutifully pushed the false narrative. Indeed, it is unclear to this day whether MSNBC has ever read the Mueller report.

But after last Thursday's CNN presidential debate in Atlanta, in which President Joe Biden delivered a catastrophic performance for the ages, there is only one conclusion: The years-long effort by Biden administration flunkies, Democratic Party poohbahs, and pro-Regime media stenographers to forcefully deny Biden's obvious physical and mental decline will go down as the single greatest lie in American history.

And what an assiduous effort it was. For years, Democrats and the corporate media lied through their teeth about the blatant decline of the president's physical and mental faculties.
bambino's Avatar
The Biden nightmare will end soon, but the Harris nightmare will begin.
... But the "Harris Nightmare" won't last but a few short months.

No matter WHAT lies the news media continues to tell. ...

#### Salty
Lexxxy's Avatar
People who will vote for them are delusional. It blows my mind that other hookers will vote for this trash that has done so much harm to our community and female business owners. Wild.
berryberry's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Is this true?

Are they covering it up? Who knows.
berryberry's Avatar
... The media telling all of America that Joe was "razor sharp"
and "at the Top of his game" just one month ago should be called
to accounte for these lies.

##### Salty
The Biden nightmare will end soon, but the Harris nightmare will begin. Originally Posted by bambino
Even more frightening?

If it's a Newsom/Harris Nightmare!