Local Lovin'

There's nothing quite like finding a favorite provider for each area of desire.

Discovering your favorite AMP and in particular, your favorite masseuse.

Finding your favorite strip club and your favorite dancer there.

Finding your favorite domme or other fetish/kink provider.

Finding your favorite [girlfriend, so to speak].

When you do find them and it's fair consistent and reliable, treat them with consideration and periodic favors/gifts in good faith in of keeping the relationship going.

Even when she's getting long in the tooth and there's other fish in the sea that catch your eye, she'll be like that Impala that you keep maintaining because you know it's been good to you.
lilylivered's Avatar
yep, especially in these times of hooker decline...
don't underestimate the

power of groveling for respect!

treat em right boieezzzz
Plastic Man's Avatar
this thread justs gaves everyone readin ...it cancer

...but thanks ...fer sharin yer sensative ...side an remindin the jimmies what truly ...matters ins life
Personally I've never mounted an impala before but it sounds like an interesting prospect
Sure miss 24karat/solid gold with a girl I fawned over with !
Sure miss 24karat/solid gold with a girl I fawned over with ! Originally Posted by Luvbubbles

Kackles Mc Kneepads?