Encounter: Diablas day shift

Date: 12/5/24
Name: N*****
Phone: -
Email Address: diablasocialclub@gmail.com [added email address - GM]
URL / Website: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/diab...1565143316990/
City: Austin
State: Texas
Address: 900 E Braker Lane
Activities: Lap dance
Hair Length and Color: below the shoulder length brunette hair
Age: 20s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: 5'6, healthy body weight, C-cups
Recommendation: Yes
I went yesterday. I cant find any chica bonitaa girls. I feel CB better but its closed. Any way 20 entrance and 25 for the dance and they have vip like 300. Feel like you can bargain with girls.
Is that $300 for VIP all in at least?
wileycoyote1's Avatar
I thought Chicas was moving south William Cannon area. I may go check out some other clubs looking for Chicas girls. I trolled Diablas several times and saw no familiar faces at the door or vehicles I knew outside.
Yes, that is what I was told. All-in.
I dropped by the place this afternoon. Dancers just sitting around, no one on stage. Some good looking Latinas, but this is no place for viejos gringos. I'll stick to P10 and XTC.
Yes, that is what I was told. All-in. Originally Posted by Breakfastfoods
How does that work I've never done a strip club before?
A lot of the Chicas girls from day shift are now night shift at Diablas. A few days shifters, e.g. Yesenia, have stayed day shift. A few others have disappeared entirely.
I visited Diablas over the weekend night and looks like it is somewhat returning to Chicas way. I will try to add a review soon.
I visited Diablas over the weekend night and looks like it is somewhat returning to Chicas way. I will try to add a review soon. Originally Posted by GoodPerson
Do they still have the janky ass traffic cones blocking the back cubbies?
You mean where they give the lap dances? Yes. Some chairs on the end have it. In one of few trips recently, a girl took me to a chair between the cones (not at the very end though).
Do they still have the janky ass traffic cones blocking the back cubbies? Originally Posted by Hello_Goodbye