What a fine show of good taste in talent Herr Trump has picked for the AMERICAN people. Such a great talented group of believers- these are TOTALLY Qualified to do the work they are being picked for.
a partial list of BOMBs so far-
1. Tusli Gabbard is showing up to be about the last person who should have access to all our countries secret stuff. I mean she loved that Syrian guy, and that russian guy, and couldn't say enough good stuff about them. I heard that Syrian guy loved Russia so much he moved there. Wonder who told him to do that? Tulsi- you're pillow talk must have given someone an idea!!!
2. Pete- "I gonna drink" Hegseth- to be in charge of the military- dude wasn't even a colonel yet they want him in charge after he couldn't' even keep the money straight on the little place he ran- now he's in charge of the whole shebang?? He did promise to stop drinking and assaulting women if he gets into office. I imagine Fox news thinks he's radioactive by now- since the cat's out of the bag so to speak. Good luck finding ANY JOB, if this guberment one don't work out Pete. Good news is AA helps ppl everyday!
3. Matt-likes em young Gaetz. He is a ethics hot fucking dumpster fire of a mess, and his investigation is pending to be published on Friday. Oh what wonderful mysteries will be in there. Safe to say- he's never going to be invited to another Mar-a-lago event unless he brings pussy for everybody, and ubers home instead of driving. The local cops are tired of pulling his drunk ass over and having his daddy bail him out. I wonder if Mike Johnson is thanking his lucky stars for this asshat leaving!?
4. Charles Kushner to be ambassador to France- Ok. despite him being a fucking convict- and liar, and committing crimes of moral turpitude- what could go wrong? I think Trump views a pardon as white-wash and made Chaz's soul clean again. Uh NOPE- but this one will go through- he owes Charlie boy something for a reason. He gave him a son in law- who has lined Trumps pockets with more Saudi money than anyone else ever could. Plus Jared shoots Donnie some tasteful nudes of his wife Ivanka to beat-off to.
5. Kimberly Guilfoyle- The plastic faced tramp who talks with her hands more than an italian pizza maker in NJ. She's taken some hard things to the face- Mostly a lot of cock, but looks like she is the next person on Man-Face island. (And it's an angry man face at that.) -- Oh well, time isn't kind- and to her, it's beaten her about the head neck and shoulders ..a lot. But is she qualified to be an ambassador to Greece? Well, I assume it's to keep her mouth shut about Jr.s nasal habits, and not broadcast the family secrets. But qualified to be a greek ambassador- only if it involves her ass being stuffed with cocks, olives or hords of feta cheese. She will get a lovely tan tho.
6. RFK- ok. So besides having a known last name legacy of Kennedy, and the singing voice of Katherine Hepburn, Robert- has been always a guy who uses good judgement. Obviously he makes good choices- so instead of visiting a Dr. for his self diagnosed ADHD, He turned to a well known substitute,(NOT), resulting in his 14 yrs of dependence and fixation on certain item (cannot be named here) to get better grades- and then has lied about bear meat, bugs in his head, and vaccine ruses from the right. ....sounds like a ABSOLUTELY terrific choice for a job in the Health and Human services field. Sort of like having Jim Jones in charge of making Kool-Aid for the after school picnic.
7. Matt Whitakar- in charge of Nato, the way Mr. Clean is in charge of making your house smell better. The look is the same, the knowledge of NATO is absolutely missing, and he is well known to lie about anything he's told to lie about. But if the job is now, shake down other countries for more money- he's got that look about him, and I'm sure he's down to flex whatever is needed to get more cash for the 47 crime family.
8. Mike Huckster - Huckabee. How the fuck is this pill selling, comic book huckster, shiller of relaxium, and kids guides to Trump, and failure of a governor in the state with one of the poorest economies and under educated populus out of our 52 states, not including the new Canada, or 52, Mexico. Course Mike thinks that the cure to diabetes can be found in hidden texts in the bible. Get your little Orphan Annie decoder rings out.
D-R-I-N-K M-O-R-E O-V-A-L-T-I-N-E.
Perhaps Mikes next shill will be in Israel for selling relaxium in Mazaballs and hummus. He's gonna be such a great addition and taken seriously by the Israeli's; they love a good lazy eye and a fat guy with a curiously stupid accent.
9. Russell Vought.- Remember that little fun project 2025 that Trump said he never heard of? You know that thing that would set into motion plans and changes to policies and government operations- so that the GOP would have clear advantages and controls over things from voting to how and when your uterus is allowed to be inspected. Well this douchebag is the guy who wrote a lot of it. OMB . well, since he's only in charge of budgets and can be used as a shill to bolster the lies that will inevitably come from the house and senate about moving government back to the states- this would a great place for a guy who isn't really a numbers guy, but moree a policy guy to be- right?! Of course Trump never heard of him before or his little project 2025, but yet there he is- along with the other policy guy. Mr. #10.
10. Stephen Miller. official Policy and chief of staff, liar and part time bit player for a rouge travelling group of the last love story for Nosferatu, Steve is quite the guy. Despite having zero charisma, charm, stature, or upper teeth, this spewer of absolutely disgusting ideas is now in the cat-bird seat to do some real damage and actually control who see's the POTUS, and can enact policies like- separate families at the border- and envisioning how to concentrate power in the West Wing and impose a starkly rightward shift across the U.S. government and society.
You know the stuff that TRUMP outright lied about knowing the project 2025 was gonna be about---that is this dude.
11. Linda McMahon. Education and wrestling go hand in hand. So much so that Linda's birthright of the WWF has made her a tough negotiator and shill match-up makers, that have forgone conclusions, one could easily see that her millions of dollars donated to Trumps campaign are just an extension of the same forgone conclusions.
Education vs. McMahon. ..... goes something like this.
Round 1. -Round 3. Education has McMahon on the ropes, but she taps in and has the WWE Undertaker tap-in, and magically takes down Education for the win; pinning pesky education to the mat. Financially gutting education, testing, and expanding magnate schools and coupons for going to knitting school instead.
Woo hooo McMahon takes the belt.
Oh- such caring, considerate, knowledgeable people for roles where stuff like any degree in education like a doctorate in public education or public policy would be a benefit. Instead - She studied French. I am fairly certain she doenst' speak a word of French- and neither does Charles Kushner- but how does that make her qualified you ask? It doesnt' at all. NAHH. ratings, and UFC, WWE, WWF don't need not stinking education. They been getting paid and what's the point of an education when you can make money by being fake and full of shit. Proof positive that this act has legs and is going to be the next destruction of America's pledge to educate it's citizens.
I'll leave the rest to those who want to contribute, but I can see that this shit show- has just started, the ring master has tipped out his hat to gather tips and the Barker is announcing the thrill of the Circus that's about to unfold. Be prepared to be shocked and awed, and the complete stupidity, unprofessionalism and lack of anything getting done.
The Trump Circus is back in town.