Forgivness and goodbye

As some of you are aware, a few nights ago I had a major mess -up where I disclosed an email. What's made matters even worse is that it wasn't even my own email, and now I've endangered a friend's life, work and, reputation. All because of a stupid blunder. I've messed up.

I've reached out to him and tried to explain the situation. The embarrassment and major regret on my part has made forced me to see that the direction I was headed was not where I want to be.

Thank you all for this ride, but it's time for me to hope off.

Moderator, please close my account.

Reason, time to get my life on track and stop ruining other's lives in the process.
That was unfortunate. Hope things haven't turned too ugly - for you or your friend !
Hope you to see you back in some time - fresh and rejuvenated !
Good Luck !
Dr-epg's Avatar
Hey shit happens. Sorry that it went that way. But hopefully everything is a learning experience of how to be careful both from the popo and being outed
He’ll be back.