Being the shy, mildly awkward man that I am, I'm more inclined to let the lady take the lead during the session. Because of this, I've mostly stuck with FBSM providers, as having a task to start the session (the massage) gives it an obvious starting point and she is in the lead from there. My question is, are there many non-FBSM providers that don't mind taking the lead and dictating the session? Or is it more common place to have the hobbyist decide how everything goes?
There are many out there who will if you communicate what you are looking for ahead of time.
Lots of providers do this. Usually the older or more put-together providers just do this naturally.
Right here, I love taking the lead anytime I can.. Tease you a lot before taking over and let you get all horny and then, well you know what happends next. (O)(O)
Try telling her you'd like to be seduced.
I most definitely like to lead. I have to agree It does come natural to some like myself.